Swinger Myth: Couples Can Do Whatever They Want
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Is it really just a free-for-all?
A common misconception about people in swinging and other open lifestyles is that they can do whatever they want. Coach and SDC Social Media Director Julieta clears up this myth and shares the truth about these relationship dynamics here in the video above.
ASN's Ask Dr. Ziggy: Is There a Difference Between Older & Younger Swingers?
Does age matter in the lifestyle? ASN's Dr. Ziggy asked his community. Here are their answers.
Dear Tom & Bunny: Lifestyle Guidelines & Being Bi in Clubs
People in the lifestyle need structure or they feel lost in this sea of self-expression — both sexually and when opening up to strangers. Tom and Bunny give their recommendations in this Q&A for ASN.
Camille has a Husband, a Boyfriend, & a New Female Sex Buddy
Camille is in an open marriage with her husband and has a boyfriend and a new female sex buddy on the side. What went down to turn her traditional marriage into an open one?
Danielle Page on Women and Orgasms
If you think your partner is faking her orgasms, here are some suggestions.
Taking Better Photos: Swinger Dating Profile Advice
Do photos really matter that much? Yes. Here's how to fix them.
Is Swinging Exclusive to Couples?
If someone wants to be a swinger but isn't in a couple, can they still swing?
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