Garments, Drama, and Oh Boy, the Truth Box!
Garments, Drama, and Oh Boy, the Truth Box!
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In this episode, Lauren and Ben discuss Episode 4 of The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives and share their personal updates before diving into THE key event, the “sh*t show” of the birthday celebration weekend.
Ben educates us on the history and current use of Mormon garments, inspired by their favorite quote, “Can we Door Dash garments?” The Truth Box serves its purpose at the party and certainly shakes things up within their friendships. Ben and I discuss it all, including their own answers to the Truth Box questions.
Everybody is 50 Shades of Something
Mr. and Mrs. Jones read the book and watched the movie. Here is their discussion, plus other swinging lifestyle stories.
Crete 2019, A Slice of Paradise!
SDC returned — for the fourth time! — to the sun-baked Greek islands in the azure sea and enjoyed everything from beautiful sunsets to al fresco playrooms.
Swinging is Partner Exchange and So Much More
Swapping — whether soft or full — is a core swinging activity, but sharing partners is just one part of a whole lifestyle.
To Tell or Not to Tell
The dilemma (for many) around telling vanilla friends and family about the lifestyle
Three Tips to Start Your ENM Journey
Transitioning your marriage or monogamous relationship to a non-monogamous relationship is one big project, if you will. Here are a few steps to get you started!
Topless Tastings & The ‘Book of Rumors’ Season Send-Off
In this episode, Ben and Lauren recap The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives finale.
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