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Single Guy Antonio on Swinger Parties, Gangbangs, & More

handsome Black man in a blazer in front of two blurred white women watching him
handsome Black man in a blazer in front of two blurred white women watching him
Antonio is a single guy in the lifestyle who attends swingers parties, gangbangs, orgies, and more, and he called in to talk all about it.

Antonio also talks about how and why he sometimes uses the p shot and what it does, the most recent orgy he went to and exactly what went down, the DTF party he went to and exactly what went down, how and where he finds most of his parties and meet-and-greets that he attends, the two girl gangbang he went to recently and exactly what went down, what to do and not to do at a gangbang, how and why he recently got turned down by many women at a hotel takeover, the downside of being a single guy in lifestyle, the recent hotel party he went to and what exactly went down there, the “white lies” swingers party he went to and what that party is all about and exactly what went down, plus a whole lot more.