Dark Tantra

Have you ever been curious about the spiritual side of BDSM and Tantra? Yes, there is a spiritual connection with both. We will be exploring them in Dark Tantra.
Most everyone can agree that the biggest human sexual organ is the brain. If you’re not in the mood, you rarely enjoy it, and if the mood's just right, it’s an experience you’ll clearly remember. Tantra is the practice of bringing your mind, body, and spirit together to be more focused, better understand yourself, and form a better connection to your partner(s). Tantra is many things to many people, but above all, Tantra is all about healing. Then there's Dark Tantra that extends the basics of Tantra by bringing in practices such as bondage, sensation play, sensory deprivation, edging, and orgasm denial. It is a blissful merge of Tantra and BDSM combining the sacred and the forbidden to promote an expanded consciousness while embracing our darker desires.

American Sex Podcast Episode 35: Kara Cooney - Egyptologist
Kara Cooney is an Egyptologist whose work can be seen on the Discovery Channel and in museums around the world. What the heck does that have to do with the sexual climate here in the US? A LOT.

S is for Sex and Spirituality
Physically orgasming with another is blissful. And to connect deeply with another while making love takes it that one step further.

Sacred Guidance with StellaMuse
Sacred sexuality is what Elise Carr lives for. Find out more in this episode of Living a Sex Positive Life.

As the World Burns
Because things have definitely changed since a certain someone came into power ...

Interview: Master Oakman & slave diamond
Master Oakman and slave diamond open up to the Lunas about their BDSM lifestyle, dynamic, and more.

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