Common Miscommunications Between Sexual Partners

It’s commonly known that communication is key to any strong relationship.
It’s commonly known that communication is key to any strong relationship. Being open and honest helps you grow as a couple and keeps you involved intimately in each other’s lives. However, it’s important to communicate about more than just your daily activities and feelings, communication in the bedroom is equally (if not more) pertinent to a strong bond between partners.
Dr. Steve McGough takes us through the common miscommunications sexual partners face and how to deal with them and move forward to build a stronger, more successful relationship.
One Partner Thinks Something is Wrong with Them
The most common miscommunication I've seen is that women frequently think there's something wrong with them (or that this is just the way it is for couples) if they are not sexually satisfied or achieve orgasm(s) with their partner during intimacy. This can also include the belief some have that they need to achieve orgasm via intercourse, when in reality only a small percentage of women can actually achieve this. In some cases, women aren't comfortable talking with their partner about all of these issues. In other cases, they try to talk, but their partner doesn't understand or in the worst case doesn’t seem interested at all.
Accepting a Diminished Sex Life as Real Life Gets Busier
Another common miscommunication couples have is when the relationship matures and each partner gets older and busier with life, and they each assume (and fail to talk to the other about how) that it's "normal" for their sex lives to become less passionate. Frequently, women will lose their desire for sexual activity. While this does happen for many couples, it doesn't have to.
What Sex and Love Actually Mean
A very common miscommunication between partners is what "sex" (and "love") actually mean to each. Also, what each partner thinks the other should want to do and be able to do sexually. In reality, our beliefs about sexuality have layers of meanings. We sometimes don't even fully realize what our beliefs about each are because we've never thought about it. We often don't share this with our partner, but assume they have the same beliefs.

Preparing Yourself For The "After Sex Talk"
After you’ve been engaged with a lover, are you ever at a loss for words?

Easy Ways to Deepen Your Connection During Sex
I had a few wonderful sexual experiences recently that really helped to inspire this blog.

Communication in the Bedroom
If a couple doesn't tell each other what their sexual needs and fantasies are, odds are they won't be met.

Habits of Highly Sexual Couples
Couples that continue to engage in regular sexual activity at a higher level tend to maintain their health and wellness (including sleep).

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