Mindful Head & The Ol' Spiritual Bait-and-Switch
Mindful Head & The Ol' Spiritual Bait-and-Switch
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The mouth is a glorious thing. Let's learn how to use it better — whether that's offering it as a gift on someone's genitals or using it to speak authentically to your partners.
Welcome to the Fix Your Sex podcast. Your host Amina Peterson talks about how oral sex can be a great opportunity to connect more deeply with a partner with Tantric techniques. She also discusses the modern complications of identifying as a trusted educator in the special space of both the spirituality and sex work industries.
P is for Passion
What is your passion sexually? What really turns you on? Maybe it is still waiting to be discovered?
American Sex Podcast Episode 17: Allison Moon of Girl Sex 101
This is the sex ed you wish you had in school!
The Girl Who Cried "Healing"
Healing is trending on social media. But are you a doer, or just a sayer? Are you ready for healing? Let Amina drop some reality on you so that you can stop licking your wounds and make real, lasting change.
What is Tantric Alchemy?
You might know a thing or two about tantra, and people have an idea of the magical connotation of alchemy, but what does it mean when they come together?
Mindful Head & The Ol' Spiritual Bait-and-Switch
The mouth is a glorious thing. Let's learn how to use it better — whether that's offering it as a gift on someone's genitals or using it to speak authentically to your partners.
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