Conscious Living Show: 10 Keys for Men Seminar

Conscious Living Show: 10 Keys for Men Seminar
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There's a definite need to speak to men about how to conduct themselves with women and in society, and also how society and women need to interact with men. We are learning every day and all the time, and so are our children. Here's what Dr. Nancy Sutton had to say about the men's seminar that recently took place.
Breakdown of the Seminar for Men
- What Women Want
- Female Sexual Anatomy
- The Pleasure Source
- Penetration Requirements
- If Yonis Could Talk… and what they would say
- Penetration vs. Penetrating: Why there is a difference
Communication through:
- Words
- Touch
- Sound
- Breath
- Non-Verbals
How to get clarification
#MeToo and You
- Your interpretation of the movement
- Concerns and fears
- Benefits
- Ideas
- What has shifted
- What needs to shift for the next generation
Ideas for Change
Teaching Boys and Girls – It starts at home
Having the conversation with our children about everyday touch. Asking permission to hug, rub, kiss, wrestle, tickle, etc. It may seem silly, but not asking teaches them that their body is not their domain to be respected or honored even by those who love us. Unless it’s a health hazard not to touch them, honoring the yes equal to the no will create a cultural shift very quickly.
- Demonstrating this with each other as adults
- Getting comfortable asking if a hug is desired makes asking if penetration is desired that much easier