Erotic Stories and How to Write Them

To celebrate the new release of my erotic book, Mating Season: Erotic Short Stories, I fly solo on the podcast to talk about erotica… and tease you with a sexy reading from one of the stories in my collection!
If you've been following me on social and the interviews, you probably already know that Mating Season isn't a new concept for me; it's been over 15 years in the making. With my very first version of Mating Season being printed at a local print store for about ten of my friends in 2002, these pieces hold immense value to me. Some of my original stories are still incredibly devious and daring to this day, making them even more taboo if you consider the time when they were created.
Erotic literature has become more popular in recent years, and newer erotica is more diverse and representative when it comes to characters and settings. Traditionally, folks may have the idea that erotica consists of only heterosexual romance novels. While sure, that IS a major chunk of the erotic literature market, we're seeing more erotica authors step into an inclusive and explorative writing mode and becoming more representative in terms of writing about race, gender, sexual orientation, relationship orientation and much more.
There is something for everyone! I know that the raw language and graphic details I feature in Mating Season aren't everyone's cup of tea, but I didn't make this book to try to please everyone! I mostly did this for myself, to get it out there and share my stories with the world.
In this Episode...
In this podcast, I discuss how gender, sexual orientation and relationship orientation are explored in my book. I explain the reasons why people may enjoy reading erotica and all the benefits of reading and writing erotic stories and sharing them with our lover(s).
I examine how erotica is an underrated tool of seduction that can be incorporated into your partnered sex life to explore new fantasies. If we get turned on by watching porn, how about seducing yourself or your partner(s) by reading sultry, tantalizing words? In the end, the stimulation of the brain can come in many forms... and so can you! Reading an erotic story together can be a great means of foreplay, role play and inspiration, all of which I talk about in this episode.
I discuss the benefits of writing erotic stories, along with some tips on how you can get started writing your own erotic tales! Everyone gets inspired differently, of course, and has their own unique methods, but it never hurts to know how others create their own erotic writing experiences!
I wrap up this episode, as usual, by answering questions from you, the audience, in Letters to Lexi.
Find out more about Mating Season here.
Until next time, Stay Lexual!