Interview with SDC's Travel Director

In assuming that she'd be this tall Amazon-like female with ditto looks, I couldn't have been more wrong. I certainly wasn't expecting who walked in instead; your next-door neighbor girl with an infectious laugh! I settled in for a conversation that was like a chat with a BFF. Read on for the most important questions I asked...
So, what's your background?
I started working young, so I studied and worked my way up the ladder as many people have. My professional education and experience are in Public Relations and my creative background is in acting and writing. It's actually the perfect combination for doing this job!
Do you need special skills for a job like this?
I always say that anyone can do this job, but looking at it I would say that for starters, you'll need a great level of organizational skills, be a born negotiator, be a people's person, have a helicopter view, be a team player plus a leader at the same time. On top of that, you should be able to keep your cool when stress levels are through the roof and have an abundance of imagination — sexy imagination, that is! And that is just for the organizing part, as the job itself is not only about organizing events of course!
How long have you been organizing lifestyle events?
It's been almost 10 years now already. Wow, time flies when you're having fun! Honestly, it doesn't feel that long at all!
How long do you need to organize a lifestyle event?
Depending on the kind of event, resort, or cruise, it could take up to a year, more or less, in planning every little detail. This means that yes, I work on multiple events at the same time.
What's important to you at events?
For me, it's all about the guests, 100%. It's about the seduction, the fun, and the fantasy — the total package for them. They are booking our events to get away from the day-to-day, so it's very important for me to deliver a truly sexy experience that they can look back on and smile big time.
What's your favorite part?
Well, I love the entire process, really, from beginning to end. I thoroughly enjoy every step of planning for our lifestyle events. But if you really want me to point out one, it's probably to see the excitement of the guests when they arrive and the goodbye hugs when they leave. Other than that, coming up with the themes and decorating the themed playroom on the cruise are definitely my guilty pleasures.
What’s the most difficult part for you at events?
Basically, that would be the overall lack of sleep. With about 3 or 4 hours per night, after day and night five, that kind of hits me and everyone else on the team in the butt! Usually, events are five days, though, so that works out well! There really are no difficult parts to an event when it's planned well. The bulk of the work involved really happens way before any guest arrives. The contracts, the logistics, the themes, the entertainment, the AV equipment, the playroom, the program — literally every aspect has been carefully orchestrated ahead of time.
What won't you do at events?
Well, the sky is the limit as far as guest activities go, but I prefer to keep things classy and stay away from vulgarity. It’s a fine line not to be crossed when it comes to offering up a sexy environment that has a certain élan.
And personally?
What I personally won't do... well, that would be putting myself in the spotlight. It may be somewhat unconventional, perhaps, as I have seen this at events by different organizers, where this definitely is a thing; I just feel it's not warranted. These events are about the guests and the product that SDC offers, which are beautiful international couples in a luxurious and safe environment with a lot of sexy activities and entertainment for them to enjoy themselves.
Most guests probably think I’m the hired help, and I actually prefer it that way. Of course, that all changes dramatically when I have to remind someone about the rules though!
Who gets to be on the SDC team at events?
Apart from the providers for PlayShops, the entertainers and DJs, it's a carefully selected team of SDC staff members plus a bunch of host couples that we know well and trust. I don't leave anything to chance in that respect. They really work hard and have to be ready for anything.
That’s why, at the end of an event, when possible, I like to give the team a bit of spotlight by pulling them together for a round of applause. Some may think that's just pounding our own chest, but nothing could be further from the truth. It's about appreciating the immense human effort for those that freely give their well-deserved vacation time to be part of something amazing that gives them a sense of pride.
All the stuff that happens behind the scenes, without the guests being aware of it, makes sure the guests have the great and sexy time they are expecting to experience, and that little moment makes it all worth it for those involved in making it all happen. A little recognition goes a long way in my book.
Can you tell me a little bit about the playrooms?
Ah, the key ingredient of every event! The playroom is different at each event, as there are different spaces to work with. But what I always make sure of is that they are beautiful to look at and dripping with atmosphere. The ones at signature events, like the cruises, change each night with the theme, and so I can let my creative juices flow on those. Many guests make it a point to come in and check before the room opens, just to see it when it's still in a pristine condition which, granted, doesn’t last long!
How do you pick the themes?
I love to make a combination of themes that I know people love, like white and '70s, but I do switch it up with themes that are new. Those may be challenging as far as outfits go at times, but these always turn out to be super fun, because it breathes new life into the fantasy and roleplay! Now that we have a group chat function and event groups for each individual event on the site as well, it'll be easier to get some ideas from the guests themselves, and I love to hear them!
Can you name a few of those special ones?
Oh, there are so many! I really liked From Dusk Till Dawn, Game of Thrones, Cowboys & Aliens, Sexy Zodiac, Bedtime Stories. I have a few awesome ones coming up that are brand new as well!
Do you have any plans or new ideas for events that others haven't done?
Absolutely! I am working right now on a few surprises for our upcoming events that others haven't been able to copy us on just yet! What I strive for is to deliver a unique take on sensuality and an action-packed vacation from the first moment to last. It's very exciting and — sorry-not-sorry — but I can't tell you! You'll just have to come to our events and see for yourself!
Are you a swinger?
Ha! I'll just leave that up to your imagination, my dear!
And with that, the mystery was kept alive. Our coffee mugs were empty, and it was time to go, so we hugged, but not before she promised to embellish more on some of these exciting new ideas once these are a fact. Can't wait, so I may have to go on a sexy trip soon!
The Travelling Goddess