Allen's Corner: Why He's in the Lifestyle

You know, I have had a good number of people ask how I got into the Lifestyle. Some thought it was because I was not getting any sex from my wife at home, it was to save my marriage, or I wasn’t satisfying my wife sexually — all are way far from the truth.
Enhancing our Pleasure
The simple reason is it was to enhance our already amazing wild sex life. We didn’t do it as a replacement, but rather an enhancement of pleasure to our sex life. We get turned on watching each other. When I watch my wife having sex with another woman or man, it is such a turn-on. I cannot describe in words how awesome it is. I always think, “What moans is she going to do this time? What things are Brandy going to do to her/him to drive them crazy? What new things are going to happen that Brandy had no idea would turn her on?” For example, she never knew she would enjoy having five different people (more ladies than men) have their hands and lips all over her body. I will say it was such a turn on for me to see her enjoy such a pleasure. It wasn’t a gang bang. It was just touching and going down on her. When all that was going on, I was thinking this is one of the things that I could not do to her because, after all, I am only one set of hands, lips, and tongue. I cannot wait for that to happen again.
Sharing Fantasies
How many of you have a fantasy that consists of things being done to your lady (either with or without your help)? I will admit there are fantasies that I have that I know Brandy does not want to do. She knows of them because we always tell each other our fantasies or ideas; we are a team.
Guys, have you ever had a night that you and your lady are going out to a Lifestyle club or event, and thinking I want to play tonight but your lady does not? Yes, it sucks, but we have had nights like that. The reason it sucks is how much I enjoy watching her. It is the hottest thing, and I love the look on her face when I’m watching her watch me.
We went to our local Lifestyle club that we go to often, and it was naughty schoolgirl theme. Well, she tried it on at home and I told her I wanted to take a picture of her with it on because her having that outfit on was such a fantasy of mine. So, we went to the club and before it got busy, she said let’s do your picture. We went to one of the rooms (that way no one could be in the pic because we always have others’ discretion in mind when it comes to our pics and videos). She got on the couch and said, “what do you think about this?” so, I took the pic. OK, I’ll stop about the pic and go onto the amazing night. When we got onto the floor, I was so turned on by how many people were looking at her. It was incredible, the thought that so many people thought she was beautiful and sexy. I had such a killer night because of the people that had been complimenting her on how amazing she looks. I’m not one of those guys that are in the Lifestyle because I get laid by other women (which, I won’t lie, it’s nice — and amazing that my wife gets turned on by it).
Communication Advice for the Club
Just recently, we went to the Lifestyle club that we frequent. Brandy and I both wanted to play, so we went going with that thought. She was feeling kinky, and so was I. Walking into the party, there were so many amazing people, it was a busy holiday night. We talked to so many couples, but nothing happened. The funny thing was I was waiting to see who she would find attractive, and she was kind of wondering who I was attracted to. I would be talking to some ladies but was not sure if she was into the male partner, and I found out that some of the guys she was talking to she was not sure if I would be into to female partner. It was the first time we tried guessing if each other was into the other partner. This was our fault for not communicating to each other (part of it was we had been having such a good time with the conversation we had been having with people). I myself need to stop trying to guess if she would be attracted to the lady or man of a couple and just let her know that I really like the lady I’m talking to of the couple (or unicorn, if I’m lucky). Then, I have her let me know if she’s into them or not. See, what I normally do is I wait and see or wait for her to say, “let’s go play.” I have done this because I always want her to be comfortable with the couple (as I’ve said before, we never take one for the team), and then I let her know yes or no.
The Lifestyle is an Amazing Community
You know, I stay out of politics, but why do some politicians, judges or an attorney feel the need or obsession with making the Lifestyle or the Lifestyle community look like we are involved in something evil? We are not a community of people that just go out and fuck whoever we want. We are a family; we are a community of loyal people to fellow Lifestyle folks and those that are not involved in the Lifestyle. We are a community of open-minded people, not close-minded. We do not judge and are a community of respectable folks. I write this because of a post on Twitter about a club that is being threatened by a lawyer.
We are in the Lifestyle because of the number of people that are confident with themselves. I don’t mean people that think their shit doesn’t stink, but the people that show how beautiful they are with their minds, beauty, and confidence. The Lifestyle is an amazing community because there is always something that makes them beautiful, no matter what.
Don’t forget to look us up on most social media and all Lifestyle sites as MrAndMrsR702 and on Facebook as Allen Brandy Vegas.
Enjoy life to the MAX!
This article originally appeared in the November 2019 issue of ASN Lifestyle Magazine.