Allen's Corner: COVID's Impact on the Swinging Lifestyle

Published December 9, 2020
The world has been changed in drastic ways because of the COVID-19 virus. I hope you have taken this time to say “hello,” “I love you,” or rekindle lost relationships as we appreciate and hopefully value them more. It is with a heavy heart because of all the lives that have been lost from the fight of this virus. It does not matter if you're mad at them or just have not checked in on them. The virus has shown us how we have taken life for granted and how short it can be.
I will not be writing about one of our stories or adventures this time, but rather focus on the impacts of these times that are important to the lifestyle community. 99% of us are or have been under quarantine, wishing we could get out and enjoy our vanilla and lifestyle lives.
What the Swinging Lifestyle’s Like During the Pandemic
The one thing that some may not have thought of is all the owners of the lifestyle places we love to go to. They may not be able to get any loans or help with the money they are spending each month for their expenses in order to keep them from closing. Also, the lifestyle businesses that offer us their products such as jewelry and toys may be suffering financially as a large part of the community cannot afford any “luxuries.” When this quarantine is over, we need to thank these individuals (if we have not already done so), as most do it with their own money because of their love and dedication to the lifestyle. Additionally, lifestyle resorts are hurting and eagerly awaiting our return. I do admit that I am worried that our community may not recover from this pause in life we must endure.
Brandy and I have noticed that there have been some virtual parties, meet-and-greets, and playrooms. We tried one of these one weekend, and it was disappointing. There were a few in the meet-and-greet, but, sadly, there were a BUNCH of single guys that I doubted were in the lifestyle. It was just them looking to see a naked girl or a couple go at it. Now, stuff like this is not cool at all. (Remember the old days of AOL chats [not to date myself though, LOL], when we would all go into the CHAT room? I will bet you can guess what the popular chat room was! It was the “lesbians chat” room. It was the room every single guy was in!) However, thankfully, things have evolved for the better, and lifestylers are able to be together in new types of groups. Hell, some people (including us) have webcams on.
Webcams and Videos Will Have to Do For Now...
Our webcam is in our bedroom, and it looks right at our bed. We got to the point of leaving it because it was not fun at all. So, we turned on an adult video of a swing party and had our own fun. It has the sounds of people talking, meeting each other, or even arranging to play. Plus, anyone who has fucked my wife or just watched us play knows that Brandy is not quiet when she is enjoying it. Since we are at home with the swing video, we had to keep it down as much as possible because our two boys were near and we did not want them to hear their mother getting pounded by me. There are more virtual parties coming up that sound very promising, so we might try those. I know it is not the same as being at a real party, but this is the only thing we all have right now.
This has been a long time with no physical interaction or playing with anyone else, and it SUCKS! I feel like I am locked up in a bubble and cannot watch Brandy have fun with someone else. We hope the saying “good things cum to those who wait” will be confirmed when this is all over.
Now, personally speaking, there are many people who think this is all just media bullshit, and it is not that bad, but can we all take that chance? This is a thing that has killed many people in a matter of a short time. Brandy and I are desperately waiting and waiting (insert horny devil emoji here) and have thought many times, if only we could meet someone local, but, of course, we have left it at that — in our thoughts only. The writing is on the wall; we have not been able to enjoy anything lifestyle-related, so we nothing terribly exciting to tell you about. Brandy and I hope that you all are doing well and encourage you to just hang in there. This thing should come to an end, hopefully sooner than later, and we can be back to our normal sexy selves with each other.
If you would like to follow Brandy and me, look for “MrAndMrsR702” or “Allen Brandy Vegas” on most Lifestyle and social media.
Until next time… Life is short. Live it to the MAX.
This article originally appeared in the May 2020 issue of ASN Lifestyle Magazine.