Q&A: How Do I Know if a Woman is Bisexual?
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No, they don't stand in a beam of light surrounded by fairy dust.
In this Q&A edition of SexBecause, Charlie and Arienne answer the question about what signs and other indicators to look for to find out if a woman is bisexual and if asking is considered rude.
Trans* Sexual?
With the obsession around discussing transgender people’s genitalia, I figured it was only appropriate to really get down to the nitty-gritty of the functionality of their bodies pre- and post-transition.
Kinky Koach: Bisexuality & Heterosexual Male Anal Pleasure
Stephanie answers three questions in this column about sexual orientation, pleasure, and being an "out" professional.
To All the Girls I’ve Loved... Before I Knew I Could
Many of us were not raised to expect ourselves to have any sexuality other than hetero, so it can hit hard when someone realizes they’ve been living life without an entire aspect of their being. Here’s an open letter from one woman about her bisexuality.
Q&A: Is it Damaging to Give My Partner a Golden Enema?
It's important to exercise caution when engaging in fluid play, so talk to your doctors beforehand.
Q&A: Is Touching Her Hair or Hand Consent Violation?
Flirtatious touching can seem tricky to navigate, but it's easy if you remember that consent matters in any physical situation.
Q&A: My Wife Contracted HSV-2. Should I Be Concerned?
Internet research about genital herpes is confusing. Watch this to learn the quick facts about this common STI.
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