Being Bisexual
We are often labeled, classified and sorted into groups: Democrat or Republican, religious or atheist, white collar or blue collar; we have an almost obsessive need to group people by a simple word or term.
Male bisexuals are a subgroup of a subgroup that is often often minimized, forgotten or sometimes questioned to even exist by some. As a 40-something, educated, out bisexual male in an open marriage, I can attest to the poor treatment I’ve received by many groups.
Many gay men tell me I’m just confused or greedy, and need to pick a side. This is so disappointing from a group that is very familiar with the struggle against ignorance and intolerance.
Couples my wife and I were dating abruptly stopped when I mentioned I was bi. Vanillas are the most confused, if not by my sexual preference then by my open marriage.
While I don’t want to speak for others in a similar positions; I am real person. I am not myth. I am not confused, and I do not need to change to fit your way of thinking.