February Road Warriors
February Road Warriors
Embed Podcast
Here's how the Lunas spent their February.
Living a Sex Positive Life Podcast Episode 62
From Toronto to Atlanta, Angelique and John spend some time traveling and having some of the most unusual adventures.
Off to the Chiro, Sexy Toy and Clothes Shopping!
Sexy & Jagundo share an update on Sally's back, talk about going shopping for toys and sexy clothing, and more!
When You No Longer Find Your Partner Attractive
Dr. Laurie talks about how to deal with no longer being attracted to your partner.
13 Tips to Help Your Relationship Survive a Pandemic
If you’re living with your partner, social isolation comes with needing to acclimate to your partner’s constant proximity. Here is a list of ideas to help you flatten the curve and come out the other side together and stronger than ever.
Welcome Ignixia Roberts to the Living A Sex Positive Life Family
From book chats to the Living a Sex Positive Life house of worship all in this episode.
The Resurrection Part 3
In this segment, we discuss Tantra! What it is, what it's not, and why this pleasure-based therapy has done wonders for our lives.
Starting as a Dominant
Entering the BDSM community can be intimidating, but often more for the dominant than the submissive. Here's why.
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