Polybombing: Your Partner Wants to Be Polyamorous

Polybombing: Your Partner Wants to Be Polyamorous
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Have you discovered you are polyamorous while in a monogamous relationship and are now considering coming out as poly to your partner? This experience can often be overwhelming and leave both partners feeling like they have no one who understands, and we are on a mission to provide hope and guidance during this challenging and confusing time. In this episode, we're talking about polybombing. We discuss the different ways of responding to a polybomb and recommend some immediate positive action steps you and your partner can take to help you successfully navigate the path forward.
Thank you for joining us on this journey toward understanding and acceptance.
Our mission is to bring help, hope, and community to those seeking meaningful non-monogamous relationships by sharing the wisdom we've gathered as a result of our personal, real-world experience, as well as interviews with our guests. Through open and honest conversations, and sharing the story of our egalitarian plural marriage, we aim to change societal norms by proving that monogamy is not the only healthy relationship structure.
Whether you are already in a relationship that is open, polyamorous, or somewhere in between, or are still just dipping your toes in the water to see if non-monogamy is even right for you, we hope you find our podcast to be your go-to resource for information and encouragement.