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Listen to podcasts about the swinging lifestyle, hotwifing, threesomes, cuckolding, open relationships, BDSM and kink, and more popular topics about sexuality and sexual health from your favorite podcasters.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education NonMonogamy Jessica Fern
From Monogamy to Polyamory: Easing the Transition
It seems like a massive jump for your mindset and lifestyle! Listen here and learn how to make going from mono to poly as smoothly as possible.

sunset silhouette of a couple wearing cowboy boots and embracing with faces close together
Boot Scooting at the Tin Boxxx
The FwP crew shares some insights and interviews from the Tin Boxxx in Lubbock, Texas

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Workers Dirty Lola Francisco Ramirez
Redefining Sex in the Digital Age: Part 2
Guests Dirty Lola and Francisco Ramirez discuss how to maintain body-positivity, sex-positivity, and inclusivity in the highly critical world of social media.

American Sex Podcast Episode 31: Susanna Brisk - How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition
Gut feelings, hunches, intuition: we all have it. But how can we harness these skills and use them reliably? How can they help us get what (and who) we want in bed?

heart shapes made with popcorn scattered on a wooden table
The First Look at The First Book of Taylor
Lauren, a swinger, and Ben, who is polyamorous, set the stage by introducing themselves and sharing their frustrations with how the media often misrepresents their communities.

couple in conflict in a bedroom
Polybombing: Your Partner Wants to Be Polyamorous
Has your monogamous partner expressed that they are polyamorous or want to practice polyamory? Did this revelation come as a shock to you? If so, you have just been “polybombed.”

SDC Seek Discover Create Podcast Shame Guilt Sex Therapy Rahim Thawer Lexi Sylver
Shame and Sexuality
Host Lexi Sylver and guest Rahim Thawer explore the ways in which we can learn to develop feelings of shame and guilt, and the ways in which those can impact different spheres of our personal lives.

Two swinger couples at a party
Swinging & Social Anxiety (MFMF): 4OURPLAY Ep 41 (Part 2)
Bella and Jase from 4OURPLAY talk about after working through difficulties with social anxiety and how they turned their night around and had an amazing time at a toga house party!

Swinger couples dinner date catching romantic feelings
How To Avoid Falling in Love in The Lifestyle
Dan and Lacy break down how to separate emotions from swinging and avoid developing romantic feelings for the people you play with in the lifestyle.