Oct 10, 2024 van 8:00 PM
Oct 11, 2024 tot 2:00 AM

Trinecká 672 ( modré F ) Praha 9 - Letnany
Thursday’s relaxing party is dedicated to couples and groups of three in any mixed composition or closed groups. There is a large Jacuzzi by the bar and a rich snack bar throughout your stay. Also at your arrival, our lovely bartenders are going to greet you with a welcome drink at the bar. The whole party is set in a peaceful, calm and friendly atmosphere with relaxing music and with all you like.
ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.100, – (premium SDC club members 900, -), Man with a couple: 1.500,-, Woman: 300, –
Reservations are valid until 11 p.m.
For more details see our club website:
We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.
Entspannungsparty am Donnerstag für Paare und Dreier in verschiedenen gemischten Kompositionen oder geschlossenen Gr...
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Thursday’s relaxing party is dedicated to couples and groups of three in any mixed composition or closed groups. There is a large Jacuzzi by the bar and a rich snack bar throughout your stay. Also at your arrival, our lovely bartenders are going to greet you with a welcome drink at the bar. The whole party is set in a peaceful, calm and friendly atmosphere with relaxing music and with all you like.
ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.100, – (premium SDC club members 900, -), Man with a couple: 1.500,-, Woman: 300, –
Reservations are valid until 11 p.m.
For more details see our club website:
We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.
Entspannungsparty am Donnerstag für Paare und Dreier in verschiedenen gemischten Kompositionen oder geschlossenen Gruppen. Es gibt einen Whirlpool an der Bar, ein reichhaltiges Buffet und bei Ihrer Ankunft an der Bar erhalten Sie ein Begrüßungsgetränk von unseren lächelnden Barkeepern. Die Party findet in einer friedlichen Atmosphäre statt, mit entspannender Musik und allem, was Sie lieben.
EINTRITT (CZK): Paar 1.100,- (premium SDC club members 900,-), Mann zu Paar: 1.500,-, Frau: 300,-
Reservierungen sind bis 23:00 Uhr gültig.
Weitere Einzelheiten finden Sie auf unserer Club-Website:
Wir freuen uns auf Dich .
Čtvrteční relax párty pro páry a trojice v různém smíšeném složení nebo uzavřené skupinky. K dispozici je vířivka u baru, bohatý raut a při příchodu na bar dostanete uvítací drink od našich usměvavých barmanek. Párty probíhá v poklidné atmosféře, s pohodovou hudbou a vším co máte rádi.
VSTUPNÉ: Pár 1.100,- (pro prémiové členy SDC 900,-), Muž k páru : 1.500,- , Žena: 300,-
Rezervace jsou platné do 23h.
Více informací naleznete na našich webových stránkách:
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20 Reviews
Why the people dont dance ?
We were surprise the couples and the girls dont dance to gether...
Great club
This is a great club one of the best we have been to, and we have been to a few arround. The club is sexy, clean, nice rooms and a great croud. We will return !
Great people
Hidden identity is allways something very exciting when everybody is hidden behind a mask. It wasn´t too crowded and a lot of nice people attended in the Fantasy club.
we simply love this club -)
every party here is great so was this one
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