Swingers Lifestyle Community voor ruimdenkende Stellen & Singles

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884 leden | vanaf Mar 29, 2023

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884 leden | vanaf Mar 29, 2023

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location_on Salt Lake City, UT, USA
Hi there - I'm Lauren Hayes and I'm a lifestyle coach, here to guide couples who are interested in non-monogamy, but who may be unsure where to start or struggling with some of the complications (it is complicated). My husband and I have been enjoying lifestyle and have considered ourselves “monogamish” for over six years. We had all of the same questions and concerns in the beginning that most people have. It seemed exciting, but also complicated and it was scary because there were so many unknowns. Mostly, we didn’t want to mess up what we already had, which we both felt was a great marriage. I’m here to make the unknowns, known. To make the complicated, less so. To guide you through the options and to keep what’s most important in focus - the two of you. Here's the thing: I have done the work. I have been married to my husband for 20 years, over 6 years of it in lifestyle working through the fears, the emotions, the "I'm not enough." The payoff is connection, amazing sexual experiences, mind-blowing fun and a relationship with your partner that you didn't know was possible. Even though you already thought it was great, and it was.This is a group for those of you who are interested in the relationshipping side of things. I like to call lifestyle "advanced relationshipping" and there are times we just don't have anyone to talk to, especially if you are not open in your communities. In this group I'll let you know when I'm holding workshops, events and retreats. I'll find some other fun stuff for us too. If there's a workshop idea you have - I would love to hear it and I'll put it together! Your lifestyle coach -Lauren
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