Swingers Lifestyle Community voor ruimdenkende Stellen & Singles

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3273 leden | vanaf Feb 07, 2011

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3273 leden | vanaf Feb 07, 2011

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location_on Atlanta, GA, USA
Couples and Ladies for the BBC in Georgia. The community will focus on getting Hotwife couples and ladies regardless of race together with hung Black Men and Black couples in Georgia. We are a community that welcomes single women and couples of all races throughout the world (not just Georgia) to the Atlanta Metropolitan area and all other areas of Georgia to indulge in the BBC. This group will promote the joining of professional and classy upscale black men with single women and couples that are ready to engage in a full swap experience to the extreme. Bisexual Men, single women, and straight me without class will be denied. This is a real group that focuses on full swap interaction. Please open your profiles to single men as blocking them defeats the purpose of the group. Blocking single males will force a denial of your profile. Please do not post party flyers without contacting the group admin Blackbeckhams first. We prefer profiles with validations over profiles with no validations (hidden or exposed.) Soft swap couples will also be respected as a preference. We will throw parties with a few of our favorite couples and this info will be posted within the portals of our community. Profiles without pictures will be denied. Single men with dick pics only will be denied and banned. Once you are in the group, if you change your profile To block single males, you will be removed.—Blackbeckhams
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