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4 Recensies

Las Vegas, NV

Algemene informatie:

Cestlavie las vegas is managed by the non profit "No Tan LInes Republik" who promote naturisme anf physiolatry world wide., A piece of heaven heart of Las Vegas. Unique naturist pkace 21+ in Las Vegas . Pool Spa large pool deck, Green Back yard to enjoy the desert as you like, It is a free zone. Happy to offer that freedom and peace of mind to our membership. Our 3 suites have a separate entry, kitchenette, private bathroom and direct access to the pool spa and back yard. Wellness is our priority , open to all genders . a large back yard with chairs, couch, armchairs, Adirondack and even a hammock. Everything is organized for your freedom , relax and other guests privacy. Warning – any person and/or institution and/or ...

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Handdoeken & Beddegoed

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Volledig uitgeruste keuken

Privé parkeerplaats

Kabel TV


Restaurant / Bar op loopafstand

Supermarkt op loopafstand

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Handdoeken & Beddegoed

Wireless Internet

Volledig uitgeruste keuken

Privé parkeerplaats

Kabel TV

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Restaurant / Bar op loopafstand

Supermarkt op loopafstand

Exacte locatie verstrekt na boeking

Host contacteren SDC BNB FAQs

star star star star star

4 Recensies


Apr 25 2024 11:34AM
star star star star star
I found this little lifestyle friendly lodging thru a friend. The property is very clean and the grounds with all the trees near the pool and hot tub very relaxing. It is great to have a clothing optional option in vegas. It is located less than 10 minutes from the strip so convenient for when goin... Lees Meer.


Mar 15 2024 5:16PM
star star star star star
Great private place to stay!
Stayed here many times. Great little private getaway to be free. Very private and quiet.


Jan 10 2024 12:21AM
star star star star star
Wonderful host
We had the pleasure of staying with them while we were in Las Vegas in January. It was a bit too chilly to enjoy the pool, but we had a fantastic stay despite that... We look forward to coming back.


Aug 12 2023 1:12PM
star star star star star
I had the best time here. The host’s are kind and accommodating. I came for R and R. The facilities are wonderful. Pool, hot tub. Rooms and outside are clean, beautifully kept and inviting. You honestly embrace the term, “Cest La Vie”.

SDC is geen tussenpersoon en is op geen enkele wijze betrokken bij afspraken tussen verhuurders en klanten. Jullie zijn van harte welkom om beoordelingen achter te laten ten behoeve van de hosts en alle medeleden.

Las Vegas, NV

Er zijn maar weinig steden die zo verleidelijk zijn dat je continue sexy kunt shinen in Sin City, Las Vegas. Met een 24/7 party mentaliteit, is deze 'Stad der Zonden' een geweldige bestemming om te bezoeken en te verblijven in een van de vele verborgen juweeltjes.