Swingers Lifestyle Community voor ruimdenkende Stellen & Singles

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KnowMyTruth (CandysAdventures)

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2 Reviews

We host meet & greets, parties and workshops to up level your chance of success in the lifestyle. We have been in the lifestyle a combined 14 yrs.... We enjoy meeting like minded individuals who enjoy life ,who have great personalities and enjoy great conversation. We are regulars at Laguna del Sol near Sac... A clothing optional resort... We are also not in a hurry to play with anyone.... Play is a bonus and we have to like you and feel comfortable with you as a couple. Single males - this is for you.. please do not send us a message asking hook up.. if we are interested we will find you. if you persist we will block you.... Please note: Only SINGLE MALES who have been to our Lifestyle Intro Workshop or Candy's Adventure lifestyle basics class may attend our events, and only 5 max single males are allowed to attend any given party or event. If you are a Single male and would like to attend our events you must first complete our Lifestyle Intro Workshop. Single men - Please read details of the events posted and follow any instructions carefully..

P.O. Box 1095, Pleasanton, 94588



CandysAdventure Groep

195 leden   |   Vanaf Feb 24, 2012

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A complimentary 1 on 1 meeting to help you get started in the lifestyle...



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KnowMyTruth (CandysAdventures) Reviews


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2 Reviews

TESTREACT01 Oct 25 2023 11:05AM
star star star star star



ANONIEM May 8 2022 11:16AM
star star star star star

Lil house party

Chuy and shannon were great hosts. It was our first private party, we were nervous. When we showed up we were welcomed with open arms and a cheerful vibe that helped us to feel at ease. Everyone was very nice and respectful to others with no pressure whatsoever. We had a great experience and will be going back. Great people, great games and super fun

Swingers Lifestyle Community voor ruimdenkende Stellen & Singles

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