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SDC Erotic Dating App Swingers Open Lifestyle
Download Our SDC Erotic Dating App Today!
If you're seeking like-minded people to enhance your lifestyle, you'll love our Erotic Dating App.

Ken & Sunny Explore Prostate Milking & Massage
Pondering prostate play? Here's a how-to plus a personal experience for inspiration!

SDC MysteryVibe Tenuto Couples Sex Toy
The Best Gift For Him, From Her
Want to have some of the best sex you’ve both ever had — and become a hit at your next lifestyle party? Try Tenuto, the gift that helps him keep on giving.

SDC MysteryVibe Tenuto Lifestyle Sex Toy App
Want Longer-Lasting, Mind-Blowing Sex? Try Tenuto!
The ultimate couples vibrator that will blow both your minds: meet Tenuto!

SDC SexBecause Charlie Arienne Sex Therapy Advice Anal Toy Butt Plug
Q&A: How Long is Too Long to Wear a Butt Plug?
Keep it lubed up, and you'll be surprised by how long you can wear one!

SDC SexBecause Charlie Arienne Sexual Therapy Swingers Lifestyle Advice
Q&A: My Wife Contracted HSV-2. Should I Be Concerned?
Internet research about genital herpes is confusing. Watch this to learn the quick facts about this common STI.

Part I: Lifestyle Inventory Check-Up
This is the first in a new series that will offer you a practical blueprint for how to protect your relationship while you are spicing it up in the often-uncharted territory of the psycho-emotional-spiritual realm of erotic intimacy.

a photo of an open book with pages folded in to form a heart over purple background lights
My Journey Into Ethical Non-Monogamy
How Taylor transitioned into ethical non-monogamy, why she wrote the book An African-American Guide to Ethical Non-Monogamy, and the launch of THE SERIES

Smiling successful business owner and SDC Partner in a red blazer
Want to Make Money & Grow Your Business? Become an SDC Partner!
Learn how SDC Partners have the opportunity to reach open-minded, highly-targeted people around the world.

SDC SexBecause Charlie Arienne Sex Therapy Advice Kink Watersports Golden Enema
Q&A: Is it Damaging to Give My Partner a Golden Enema?
It's important to exercise caution when engaging in fluid play, so talk to your doctors beforehand.

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Get the Electro-Sex FAQs with Claire from ElectraStim
Erotic electrostimulation can seem intimidating, but by the end of this Q&A, you just might find yourself adding a kinky new device in your pleasure product collection.

Two smiling successful businesswomen and SDC Partners working together on a laptop
How to Maximize the Simple Yet Powerful SDC Partner Dashboard
Curious about how SDC works to reach your preferred audience? Here's a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the tools available to our Partners.

Panel of businesswomen enjoying their SDC Affiliate Program commissions
SDC Affiliates Work Smarter, Not Harder by Earning Commission
SDC's Affiliate Program provides businesses the opportunity to earn generous and recurring commission. Here's how.

Couple in bed BDSM play husband choking wife
Q&A: She Wants to be Choked & Spanked. Can I Really Do That?
BDSM is not meant to be damaging. If there's consent, you can rest assured that you're not hurting your partner.