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Nieuwsgierig over anale sex? Laat onze deskundigen je laten zien hoe.
Couple at a club party meeting other swingers
Swinging & Social Anxiety: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 40 (Part 1)
Bella and Jase talk about social anxiety when it comes to swinging, how they experienced it, and how they overcame it at a party they attended.

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

Two swinger couples at a party
Swinging & Social Anxiety (MFMF): 4OURPLAY Ep 41 (Part 2)
Bella and Jase from 4OURPLAY talk about after working through difficulties with social anxiety and how they turned their night around and had an amazing time at a toga house party!

woman in black pants and a striped shirt covering her rear end with her hands
Deep Voices, No Anal, Cages, & Custom Videos
Sexy & Jagundo talk about the allure of deep male voices, camming boundaries, and their festivities.

American Sex Podcast Episode 31: Susanna Brisk - How to Get Laid Using Your Intuition
Gut feelings, hunches, intuition: we all have it. But how can we harness these skills and use them reliably? How can they help us get what (and who) we want in bed?

Happy couple using a laptop in bed
Sadie is a Hotwife
Sadie is a hotwife, and both she and her husband call in to talk all about it.

Smiling man in bed with two happy women
Logan's Straight & Loves Anal, MFF Threesome with His Wife
Logan is straight and loves anal, and he and his wife recently had an MFF threesome, so he called in to talk all about it.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Anal Butt Play Toys
Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

closeup of dark pink rose petals covered in water droplets
Personal Fav Lubricant Co Successfully Launched During COVID
Stephanie and Hannah launched their organic lubricant, Personal Fav, at the height of COVID and quickly became established as the 'personal favorite' to many.

closeup of the legs of a woman wearing seamed stockings and silver high heels
The Peggening! Sally Finally Buys New Stockings!
Sexy & Jagundo go DEEP, so to speak, about a HOT session of pegging!

Sex Toys Swingers Poly Kink Cruise Travel Vacation BDSM Relationships LASPL SDC
Trifecta of Kink Cruise Part 1
This is what happens when 60 kinky people take a Royal Caribbean cruise to Mexico!

smiling woman in dress looking at camera near boyfriend in tuxedo shirt near bar
Jim on Cucks, Hotwives, and What They Look for in a Bull
Jim called in to talk all about cucks, hotwives, and what they look for in a bull.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

SDC Casual Swinger Podcast Mickey Gordon Jamaica Interviews Club VIP Catamaran Shellboy
Fung-King Awesome Interviews: A Casual Swinger Bonus Episode
In this interview-heavy episode, you'll learn more about Club VIP and why it's such an integral part of the travel experience in Jamaica, the hilarious and fun Catamaran cruises, and the heart and soul of Jamaica... the people!