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The Intricacies of Being a Therapist and a Sex Worker

Black female therapist writing while listening to smiling female Black client on a couch
Black female therapist writing while listening to smiling female Black client on a couch
Raquel Savage is a board-certified sex therapist and is also a sex worker who teaches other therapists how to serve sex workers in their practice.

Join me, Taylor Sparks, for this riveting conversation on how she successfully straddles both professions.

Raquel Savage Bio:
Raquel Savage is a Black queer therapist, educator, and sex worker. She facilitates trauma therapy through private practice and Zepp Wellness Center, a non-profit organization she founded in 2019 that centers the mental health needs of Black queer folks and sex workers. She frequently leads lectures about mental health and sex work for undergrad, graduate, PhD students, and organizations and teaches Human Sexuality to graduate counseling students. She also has the Savage University Archive (where all of her educational videos,
#ThoughtProvokingThirstTraps, live streams, and more live), including her #SexxxEd series, a hands-on, informative, and real-life version of sex ed that fills the gaps for adults who missed out on early, ethical and affirming examples of sex education. Savage also executive produces different projects for QTPOC and sex workers through Kink Media Group, including CVNT Productions, a porn production company that shoots exclusively Black, queer & trans, fat, and disabled performers. Savage is also the co-founder of the Equitable Care Certification, a 12-week certification for therapists to learn how to work with sex workers as therapy clients. She's been a sex worker for over a decade, doing both full-service work and creating adult content online.

Stay up to date with Raquel Savage at raquelsavage.com.