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Embracing Nerves & Excitement Before a Same-Sex Play Session

blonde woman in a red dress and pearls with a woman in a black one shoulder dress and hat
blonde woman in a red dress and pearls with a woman in a black one shoulder dress and hat
Starting a new experience can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, especially when it involves a same-sex play session.

Whether it’s your first time or just another step in your exploration, managing your emotions can help transform anxiety into excitement and make for a deeply delicious experience. Here are some personal insights and practical tips to help you navigate these feelings.

Understanding Your Emotions

Starting a new experience can be both thrilling and nerve-wracking, especially when it involves a same-sex play session. Whether it’s your first time or just another step in your exploration, managing your emotions can help transform anxiety into excitement and make for a deeply delicious experience. Here are some personal insights and practical tips to help you navigate these feelings.

Feeling a mix of nerves and excitement before any play session is completely normal but it can be higher before a same-sex play session especially if it is your first time. These emotions often come up from anticipating the unknown and wanting the experience to be positive and pleasurable. Take a quiet moment to reflect on what specifically makes you nervous and what excites you. Is it fear of the unknown, concerns about performance, or just the thrill of trying something new? Remembering that fear and excitment are bed fellows in our brains and often can confused when we aren’t aware.

Open Communication

Communication is crucial in any play session, especially when exploring new dynamics. Have an open and honest conversation with your partner(s) about your feelings, boundaries, and expectations. Sharing your nerves can help ease them and create a supportive environment. Make sure everyone involved is comfortable and aware of each other’s desires and limits. Sometimes this can feel overwhelming because this is often overlooked in a bid to not make things too serious! But I promise that if you speak about your desires before you start to play, the play will be SOOO much better!

Setting the Scene

Creating a comfortable and safe environment can significantly reduce anxiety. Set up a space where you feel relaxed and secure. This might include dim lighting, soft music, or familiar surroundings. Maybe a scent that you like, or a specific soft (waterproof) blanket.

Take It Slow

There’s no need to rush a play session, infact the longer you take can often lead to much deeper levels of pleasure! Taking things slow can help you acclimate to the new experience and build confidence. Focus on enjoying the moment and listening to your body and your partner(s). Gradual exploration allows for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience, meaning our nervous systems aren’t activated - good news for everyone.

Embrace the Excitement

While nerves are natural, don’t forget to embrace the excitement. This is an opportunity for exploration, pleasure, and connection. Allow yourself to be present and savor the anticipation, feel gratitude that you get to have this much fun!

Post-Session Reflection

After the fun and games, take a breather and dive into a deep reflection. Share with your partner(s) the highlights, the areas for improvement, and how you felt along the way. These heart-to-heart talks are golden nuggets for future adventures and can help nurture a stronger bond. Stay receptive and open-minded to feedback, knowing that everyone is on their own journey of growth. Remember, it's all about progress, not perfection!


Feeling nerves and excitement are all part of the ride before a same-sex play session. Dive into those feelings, chat openly, set the stage for comfort, brush up on the know-how, pace yourself, ride the wave of excitement! Transform this rollercoaster of emotions into a fabulous adventure. This is your unique journey of discovery and delight - dive in with open arms and an open mind!