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What is Hotwifing REALLY Like?

Many people question why a couple would choose to play apart, and sometimes even assume that they do so because they just want to have sex with someone besides each other. In truth, the exact opposite is true.

Brian and I have so thoroughly enjoyed our hotwifing adventures (for the most part). It has been a bonding opportunity for us — something that has continued to bring us closer together as a couple. One of the only downsides of participating in hotwifing, however, is that many others — including others in the lifestyle — don’t seem to get it! They question why we would choose to play apart, and sometimes even assume that we do so because we just want to have sex with someone besides each other. In truth, the exact opposite is true: We participate in the hotwifing dynamic because it unites us on a level most people will never understand. In this post, we hope to shed some light on what it means to be a hotwife while debunking some of the most common myths.

My First Hotwife Experience

The first time I played away from Brian is still to this day one of the most poignant moments I have personally experienced in the lifestyle. I went to my play partner’s house, we took turns flogging and teasing each other, before having mind-blowing sex. As much as I was enjoying the physicality of that interaction, Brian was on my mind the entire time. I was taking mental notes to share with him when I returned home. I was having my play partner take naughty pictures to exhibit to Brian. I was wondering what he would be thinking if he was there, watching from the bench in the room we were playing in. It didn’t distract me from my play; Rather, it fueled it. I imagined myself putting on a show for Brian, which enhanced my desire and enthusiasm for my partner.

All of it felt very positive, as if our decision to participate in a “hall pass” situation was spot on. That was until I left my play partner’s house and got into my car. I remember vividly sitting outside his house, my phone in my hand with Brian’s contact info pulled up, but not quite having the courage to call Brian yet. I was supposed to let him know when I was on my way home, but for a reason I didn’t understand at the time, I wasn’t ready to hear his voice. Now, I understand why: I felt guilty. I felt as if I had done something wrong, something that would negatively impact my relationship. I finally gathered the gumption to call Brian, and he was cool as a cucumber, no hint in his voice of remorse. That settled me slightly, but I still spent the 20 minutes driving home feeling as I was some sort of a slut (in a bad way).

After what felt like the longest 20 minutes of my life, I arrived home, went into the house, and up the stairs to our bedroom. I opened the door to find Brian, stroking his cock on the bed. He said to me, “Get naked, I need you to come over here and tell me everything.” As soon as I saw the look in his eyes, the perfect mixture of love and passion, all of my concerns were washed away. Sexual hunger replaced my shame. I had a revelation, as I removed my clothes and moved toward my soulmate: This wasn’t about my play partner, or about having sex with anyone else for that matter; it was about us. It was about the heightened pleasure, about having new experiences together that fueled both our sex and our connection to one another. It was one of the most freeing and eye-opening nights of my life. In that moment, I stopped caring as much what others had told me for so long I should want out of my relationship, and instead shifted that energy toward building a mutually-beneficial sexual dynamic with my man.

The Adventure Continues...

Since then, I have played with several other single guys away from Brian, all with his enthusiast consent. I’ve played several states away, I’ve been topped by a dominant man, and so much more. While those experiences have been incredibly sexy and physically satiating, my hotwife adventure is never complete until I have been reclaimed by Brian, until he has taken back control of my body and shown me that I am his. Every new interaction brings a fresh, fun opportunity to share with my man, tell him of my slutty adventures, and know that in return, I will receive nothing but unconditional love and trust. And this is why I truly love being my man’s hotwife!

Jul 11, 2022
Upon playing with many couples, hotwives are where it’s at. If you are simply looking for no drama safe casual fun, get in touch with a couple whom the wife is insatiable and the husband is totally onboard. While you satisfy her sexual needs, it’s a bigger turn on for her husband as she returns to him with her hot used up vagina after it’s been beat down by a nice hard cock. He will be ready to tear her up and they both will have a great sexual connection that same evening. Some even go back to their man with the semen left inside her for him to double stuff or suck it out of her.
Jan 26, 2022
This is said so beautifully
Jun 19, 2021
I hope I will find a woman like you, who understands exactly what you explained. One day. I still have some hope.
Mar 23, 2020
That’s sooooo much like my own experience with my man I didn’t understand at first but enjoy all the fun even more when I get back to him!!!!! Nice to know there are others like us!!!!