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Never Do Anything You Don’t Want to Do, No Matter What

SDC SeXXXperience Taylor Gabe Mann Hotwife Swinger Open Lifestyle
SDC SeXXXperience Taylor Gabe Mann Hotwife Swinger Open Lifestyle
Doing something you don’t want to do is a quick road to failure.

Hello again, I‘m Hotwife Taylor! Thanks to all the hot, naughty, DIY Hotwives-in-Training (and your significant sexy other) for tuning in once again! I truly love sharing my experiences in hopes of possibly preventing you from making the mistakes I/we did, and also offer some practical advice to enhance your journey. Please enjoy Part 3 of 4 of my Hotwifing How-To Tip series; because it’s a sequence make sure to read Part 1 and 2 prior to reading Part 3.

My husband Gabe and I have so much more in store for you here on SDC, including videos about hotwifing gone wrong, what we call the ‘Little Things’ (read Chapter 4 of SeXXXperience™), and also a visualization series for all you horny Hotwife husbands, so keep checking back! For now, let’s focus on the second tip for your journey into a Hotwife Lifestyle.

Advice time again. You may be way past this next How-To Tip as a couple, but it never hurts to remind yourself as it holds true for Hotwifing, too. As with swinging, when you’re heading down uncharted territory, you may make decisions for whatever reasons — pleasing your spouse, that impulsive moment of sheer wanton lust you feel in wanting to fulfill a desired fantasy — that you regret later. The following recommendation is based on plenty of failed experiences in which I thought I needed to please my husband. Besides getting some swinger experience under your belt as a couple and doing your Hotwife homework, I need to caution you for a second because there’s a very important rule we strictly adhere to. Here it goes...

Tip #2: Never Do Anything You Don’t Want to Do — No Matter What

Doing so will set you back and end in disaster! I can’t stress that enough. The excerpt you read from SeXXXperience™ in Part 1 is obviously the perfect example of that.

Hotwifing is about having fun and enhancing your marriage. Doing something you don’t want to do is a quick road to failure. All couples create their own individual version of Hotwifing because, as a couple, you need to do what works for you. There are tons of different variations — literally one that fits for every adventurous couple — so we’ll save that topic later for another fun Hotwife training. But, keep in mind that you need to keep that trust and communication open constantly. It’s totally okay to not do what you set out to do. Gabe and I are still learning through trial and error and see all experiences — whether they go according to plan or not — as beneficial.

A DIY Guide to Hotwifing Series

Part 1 – Our First Hotwife Experience
Part 2 – Hotwifing How-To Tip 1: Don’t Try Hotwifing at the Onset of Your Lifestyle Journey
Part 3 – Hotwifing How-To Tip 2: Never Do Anything You Don’t Want to Do — No Matter What (you’re here)
Part 4 – Hotwifing How-To Tip 3: Safety First

Check Back for More SeXXXperience™ Here on SDC!

Thanks again for checking us out. We like to think that we’re simply the couple next door who are passionate about educating other couples on how to enhance their marriages. If you’re in search for more juicy content, have no fear — there’s obviously more to come! In the meantime, be sure to grab a copy of SeXXXperience. It’s easy to get caught up in the fantasy of it all, and reality can be a real downer. Especially if you don’t have your rules, boundaries, and expectations established. There’s nothing wrong with learning from experience, but our MO is to prevent you from making the same mistakes we did. Watch for more Hotwife tips, more SeXXXperiencepassages, and always, true-to-life stories from a real couple.