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Coffee Talk with Amy Taylor

NonMonogamy Sexual Companion Self Love Female Empowerment Roleplay Therapy LASPL SDC
NonMonogamy Sexual Companion Self Love Female Empowerment Roleplay Therapy LASPL SDC
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Listen to John and Angelique Luna's conversation with Amy Taylor, a companion for over 20 years.

Living a Sex Positive Life Podcast Episode 80

Curious to know what is a companion? Some people may think of Inara of Firefly who dressed up and went to celebrate parties. It is more than that. It is paying attention to a partner needs and desires. Sometimes it is not sexual. It could be emotional, could be something physical such as being held in a non-sexual way. SHOCKING! I know!

Our Conversation

Listen to our conversation with Amy Taylor, a companion for over 20 years. We enjoyed our time together talking about how the landscape of being a companion and how the sex worker industry has changed during her career. What we can do to help improve the sex workers right to work in a safe environment on their own terms. What the upcoming 2020 election will mean for sex workers and politicians.

About Amy Taylor

Amy Taylor is the most exclusive and private modes based in the United States. An MBA, a commercial pilot, a several-time cover model on Playboy, Maxim, FHM, and has been published inside Esquire, GQ, Sports Illustrated. When she is not in front of the camera, she’s enjoying the sunny skies flying, keeping fit at her gym in Los Angeles, or at the beach playing with her dog.

If you are looking to help support sex workers to have a safe working environment contact your local elected officials.

Here is where you Contact Your Elected Officials: https://www.usa.gov/elected-officials