Florida Power Exchange Behind the Scenes Part 1

Florida Power Exchange Behind the Scenes Part 1
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From the safety socks and energy drinks to snow machines and wack a sub, we heard the stories you won’t hear on the conference floor — so many, in fact, that this is a two-part episode!
Living a Sex Positive Life Podcast Episode 81 Part 1
As we approach the 7th year of Florida Power Exchange, you may ask yourself how did this event come together? How has it evolved over the years? Why do the organizers and staff sacrifice their time, effort, and occasionally sanity to put it all together? Well, wonder no more 'cause we gathered the owners and several members of the staff together to discuss the “behind the scenes” antics that go on that you rarely hear about. From the safety socks and energy drinks to snow machines and wack a sub, we heard the stories you won’t hear on the conference floor — so many, in fact, that this is a two-part episode! Listen to part two here.

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