How Power Exchange Can Change Play, Relationships, and Life!

How Power Exchange Can Change Play, Relationships, and Life!
Embed Podcast
The Lunas interviewed several guests in attendance at the 2019 Florida Power Exchange event about how power exchange affects different aspects of their lives.
Sex Positive Me Podcast Episode 87
How has power exchange changed your play, your relationships, and your life? This is the question we asked in a roundtable format at Florida Power Exchange 2019. Several of us in the kink community have grown up knowing we were different. We lived knowing something was missing but weren’t sure what. We were unable to be our authentic selves. For many, power exchange has given structure to our lives and a freedom we can no longer live without.

Florida Intense Rope Experience 2018
Angelique and John chat with FIRE attendees and instructors about everything from how it has impacted their lives.

Word Porn: Quote From The Marquis de Sade, Father of Sadism
From where did sadism originate? Lexi shares one of her favorite quotes from the Marquis de Sade and gives a brief history of his dark works.

American Sex Podcast Episode 68: Financial Domination with Techdomme Mistress Harley
A findom is a dominatrix that hits you where it hurts most — your bank account. If this sounds like a made up fetish or something highly unethical, it’s actually neither.

Florida Intense Rope Experience 2018
Angelique and John chat with FIRE attendees and instructors about everything from how it has impacted their lives.

Sacred Guidance with StellaMuse
Sacred sexuality is what Elise Carr lives for. Find out more in this episode of Living a Sex Positive Life.

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