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American Sex Podcast Episode 42: Midori - Erotic Roleplay and Finding your Dominance

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Midori has changed countless sex lives for the better worldwide, and might just change yours during this episode.

Our conversation with Midori will blow your mind! She's changed countless sex lives for the better worldwide, and might just change yours during this episode. Learn how to easily tap into your erotic creativity for roleplay, and comfortably step into your sexual dominance. Midori tells us how to balance our "nice guy" and "bad boy" personas for steamy encounters, and why channeling our "inner 8-year-old" is the key to unlocking our erotic potential.

Even if you fall more on the vanilla end of the spectrum or simply want to spice up your romance or flirting style, the gems Midori drops will CHANGE EVERYTHING. She also tells us about her new and improved version of “Enthusiastic Consent” called “Engaged Collaborative Consent.” This is a don't miss episode!

Guest Bio

Dan Savage calls Midori "The Super Nova of Kink!" She is an artistic visionary who has touched lives across the globe with her expertise in sexuality, personal fulfillment, and kinky adventures. Using her "head-heart-hands" methodology she facilitates tackling challenging topics and creating space where people are allowed individual self-exploration. Her incredible passion is fully on display in her transformative small group intensives, including Rope Dojo®, ForteFemme: Women'™s Dominance Weekend Intensive, and The Wanted Man intensive with Marcia Baczynski.