Comunità di scambisti per coppie e single dalla mentalità aperta

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Sia che tu stia cercando una vacanza calda e soleggiata nel paradiso degli scambisti o una destinazione stravagante, le nostre idee di viaggio sono qui per ispirarti!
Couple at a club party meeting other swingers
Swinging & Social Anxiety: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 40 (Part 1)
Bella and Jase talk about social anxiety when it comes to swinging, how they experienced it, and how they overcame it at a party they attended.

SDC Amina Peterson Fearless Gift Fix Your Sex Podcast Tantra Alchemy Lovers Black Community
What is Tantric Alchemy?
You might know a thing or two about tantra, and people have an idea of the magical connotation of alchemy, but what does it mean when they come together?

SDC Sisters of Sexuality Taylor Sparks Dwayne Mooney Prostate Health Ejaculation
Dwayne Mooney Discusses the Benefits of Ejaculation Control
Learn how ejaculation control vs. daily ejaculations is better for the health of your prostate.

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

Couple meditating in bed together
American Sex Podcast Episode 73: Mindfulness & Stress in Sex & Relationships with Dr. Hernando Chaves
Stress has a heavy impact in the bedroom. Learn how to use mindfulness to overcome it and about how to find common ground with your partner.

Living Sex Positive Life Podcast Angelique John Luna Politics Sexual Health Laws Trump SDC
As the World Burns
Because things have definitely changed since a certain someone came into power ...

SDC Takeover of Cap dAgde 2019
It’s a Wrap! See Inside Our SDC Takeover of Cap d’Agde 2019
From relaxing in the sun to extravagant, sexy parties and exploring kinks and pleasures, our Cap Takeover had it all!

senior couple showing gentle loving affection
Discovering Passion in a Long-Term Relationship
Dr. Laurie discusses passion in a long-term relationship.

flowing blonde hair and a blurred hand backlit by sunshine
Unlocking Sacred Sexuality: Empowering Women in the Lifestyle
Jason explores the intricate world of sacred sexuality and tantric integration with his special guest, Sol from Sol Lifestyle.

closeup of a tantric spa massage with two sets of hands massaging one person's back
Spa Day Shenanigans
We had a couple of days off and decided to spend it at the spa!

American Sex Podcast Episode 38: Urethral Sounding with John C. Luna
Urethral sounding -- what is it? Why do people do it? How do people do it? Is it safe? Does it hurt? Why does it scare the bejeezus out of me? Why does it also sound hot AF?

Sacred Sex Spirituality Swinging NonMonogamy Sex Positive John Luna Angelique Luna Reverend Jamal SD
Reverend Jamal of The 2nd Coming Show
So, why was a Reverend at a swinger convention Naughty in N'Awlins? Listen in as John and Angelique Luna discussed their spiritual sexuality.

SDC Sex Positive Me Podcast Arianna Lyrist Wine Education Sexuality Treble and Vine
Treble and Vine
Sex is an experience of the body and mind, so what better way to bring them in alignment than with wine and music?

SDC Casual Swinger Podcast Mickey Gordon Jamaica Interviews Club VIP Catamaran Shellboy
Fung-King Awesome Interviews: A Casual Swinger Bonus Episode
In this interview-heavy episode, you'll learn more about Club VIP and why it's such an integral part of the travel experience in Jamaica, the hilarious and fun Catamaran cruises, and the heart and soul of Jamaica... the people!

couple in therapy holding hands on a couch
The Art of Erotic Empathy
Kelly Alexander speaks to Amanda Luterman about erotic empathy.