Comunità di scambisti per coppie e single dalla mentalità aperta

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Non devi avere una relazione per entrare nello stile di vita erotico. Singolo scambista e gente poliamica, trovano la lorostrada con questi consigli da esperti.
SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Sexy Self Isolation Social Distancing Coronavirus COVID19
How to Feel Sexy in Self-Isolation
Isolation doesn't have to be lonely or boring! In this podcast, Lexi Sylver discusses her COVID-19 self-care tips — from regulating stress to digital dating ideas.

A closeup photo of a black podcast microphone in front of a blue and purple gradient lighting backgr
Lifestyle Interviews: Sexual Wellness with Dr. Sex Fairy
In this swinger podcast episode, Dan and Lacy interview Dr. Kanwal Bawa, an internet sensation and the host of the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast.

mature couple signing divorce papers with rings on the table
Why are Older People Divorcing at an Alarming Rate?
Dr. Laurie explores why we're seeing more GREY DIVORCE.

Podcast headphones with hearts emotional healing
American Sex Podcast Episode 78: Emotional Healing with Zoe Ligon
Popular social media sex educator Zoë Ligon — aka thongria — discusses everything from authenticity and emotional incest to reconciling feminism and BDSM.

SDC Amina Peterson Fix Your Sex Podcast Sexual Therapy Tantra Atlanta Healing
The Girl Who Cried "Healing"
Healing is trending on social media. But are you a doer, or just a sayer? Are you ready for healing? Let Amina drop some reality on you so that you can stop licking your wounds and make real, lasting change.

SDC The Swing Nation Podcast
Intro to The Swing Nation Podcast
Dan and Lacy share how they were introduced into swinging, and why they created a podcast by swingers, for swingers.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Female Empowerment Veronique
Sex Education, Confidence, and Empowerment
Every woman deserves to know about her body and experience shameless sexuality.

RealDoll sex doll Synthetik partner
American Sex Podcast Episode 76: I Married A RealDoll with Davecat
We find out the real reason behind Davecat’s preference for Synthetik partners, what day-to-day-life is like in their household, and more.

American Sex Podcast Episode 12: Dr. Joycelyn Elders Interview - Former Surgeon General
Ken and Sunny talk with Dr. Elders about sexual health; pleasure inclusive sex ed in church; transgender children; the legalization of marijuana; Waffle House vs. Denny’s; #MeToo, and more.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Workers Dirty Lola Francisco Ramirez
Redefining Sex in the Digital Age: Part 1
Guests Dirty Lola and Francisco Ramirez discuss some of the unique challenges that sex educators experience in today's world, and the added hurdles that we and sex workers and activists face in light of SESTA FOSTA.

SDC SPFPP Courtney Brame Sex Positive Sexual Health Herpes HSV STD Stories
The Odds Are in Your Favor
Disclosing one's herpes status generally receives one of three responses. Listen to this podcast to hear a real-life story from an HSV+ SPFPP listener and guest and some of her dating conversations about her disclosures.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Polyamory Relationships Dr Eli Sheff
Polyamory: Exploring Polyamorous Relationships
People are sticking less and less to traditional relationship norms and are looking outside the (sometimes restrictive) box of monogamy to find a relationship type that works for them and their personality. And for a lot of people, that means polyamory.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education NonMonogamy Taara Rose James
How to Play Alone in Non-Monogamous Relationships
Lexi gets pretty personal about her romantic life with her partner, so you're going to want to put on your headphones for this podcast!

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Podcast Pleasing Partners
It’s Not Just One Thang
It’s not just one thing… What are we talking about? There’s always more than one way to please your partner! Listen in on this episode to find out.

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Sexual Wellness Self Care Meditation
Your Breathing is More Than…
It’s necessary to sustain life, but did you know that it can play a part in your sexy time? It’s all about breathing…