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The Lifestyle Inventory Check-Up® (LIC)

By Dr. Jay & Liseth Ferraro


Please choose the answer that best describes your feelings for each of the statements below:

1. I feel my partner and I are on the same page about most things (e.g. sex, money, kids).

2. We can usually find some agreement when we discuss challenging issues for us.

3. My partner knows my life dreams, goals & aspirations and I feel supported by them.

4. We have a lot of common interests and like to do many similar things.

5. We know and understand each other’s needs, wants and desires; we deal with change constructively and welcome diverse experiences together.


Please choose the answer that best describes your feelings for each of the statements below:

1. We do NOT have any missing or incomplete conversations between us.

2. We talk openly about our sexual desires, fantasies, interests, & turn-on’s/off’s.

3. There are no secrets between us; Candor and straight talk is our way with one another.

4. We are comfortable talking about anything without judgment, defensiveness or criticism and with mutual respect for differences to seek understanding.

5. I communicate authentically (total honesty), in ways that make me transparent (openness) and vulnerable (fully known) to my partner.