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Cerchi un sesso migliore? I grandi preliminari dovrebbero essere in cima alla tua lista.
closeup of a camera lens with purple and red backlighting
Sally & Mitch, That Crazy Camming Couple, Intros!
It's that naughty couple down the street, Sally & Mitch, talking about their crazy, sexy, wild camming lifestyle.

SDC Takeover of Cap dAgde 2019
It’s a Wrap! See Inside Our SDC Takeover of Cap d’Agde 2019
From relaxing in the sun to extravagant, sexy parties and exploring kinks and pleasures, our Cap Takeover had it all!

senior couple showing gentle loving affection
Discovering Passion in a Long-Term Relationship
Dr. Laurie discusses passion in a long-term relationship.

red rose petals scattered over black satin sheets
Brooklyn Xrated Curated Fantasies at Grey House Society
If you and/or your partner(s) have sexual, kink, or cosplay fantasies and are wondering where to get them fulfilled... look no further.

American Sex Podcast Episode 12: Dr. Joycelyn Elders Interview - Former Surgeon General
Ken and Sunny talk with Dr. Elders about sexual health; pleasure inclusive sex ed in church; transgender children; the legalization of marijuana; Waffle House vs. Denny’s; #MeToo, and more.

We Gotta Thing Podcast Swingers Lifestyle Events Naughty in Nawlins Bourbon Street
Hot, Steamy, Sexy, and Naughty in N’awlins!
The Joneses talk about their adventures at Naughty in N'awlins.

couple in therapy holding hands on a couch
The Art of Erotic Empathy
Kelly Alexander speaks to Amanda Luterman about erotic empathy.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Erotica Author Rachel Kramer Bussel Sexuality Taboos
Erotic Literature: Sex, Taboos, and Empowerment
Author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel waxes poetic the current state of erotica and its impact on sexuality.

smiling woman in dress looking at camera near boyfriend in tuxedo shirt near bar
Jim on Cucks, Hotwives, and What They Look for in a Bull
Jim called in to talk all about cucks, hotwives, and what they look for in a bull.

man's hand holding a small red sand timer over a black background
Is Being a "One Minute Man" a Problem?
Dr. Laurie tackles the problems of the "One Minute Man."

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Sexuality Casey Carter
Casey Carter's Creative Sex Tips & Tricks to Spice Things Up
Lexi sits down with Casey Carter to reveal some hot tips on keeping creativity alive in your sex life.

Content Black woman among colorful flowers and green leaves
Dr. Shemeka Thorpe Discusses the Importance of Sex Research
Join Taylor in this informative conversation with the award-winning Dr. Shemeka Thorpe on the importance of sex research and sex education for Black women.

cropped photo of a woman wearing a French maid lingerie skirt, lace stockings, and feather duster ov
Maddie Hooks Up with Couples and is a Topless Maid
Maddie hooks up with couples, and she is a topless maid, and she called in to talk all about it.

SDC Sex Positive Me Podcast Valentines Day Holiday Polyamory Open Relationships
Valentine’s Day, Just Different
When you love differently, you can celebrate your relationships in fresh ways and carry those moments into everyday life.

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Touch Somatic Wellness
Talkin’ ‘bout Touchin’
Lovin,’ Touchin,’ and Squeezin’… each other!