Nov 01, 2024 da 9:00 PM
Nov 02, 2024 fino 4:00 AM

Trinecká 672 ( modré F ) Praha 9 - Letnany
We are inviting you to our unique Young Halloween party. The club gets immersed in a mysterious and intimate atmosphere and becomes ready for your erotic experiences. The atmosphere will be led by our sensual dancers with their theme-oriented erotic show. The dress code is clothing in mainly the color black, or you can wear a thematic Halloween costume. There are no limits to your fantasies. The most creative couple will be rewarded with a free entrance to our next event. The entrance is available for couples and solo women only. Party has a limited age of participants to 49 years.
We’re expecting a full club, so please make early reservations. DO NOT LET YOURSELF MISS THIS PARTY.
Reservations are valid until 11 p.m.
ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.900, – (premium SDC club members 1.700, -), Woman: 300, –
For more details see our club website:
We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.
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We are inviting you to our unique Young Halloween party. The club gets immersed in a mysterious and intimate atmosphere and becomes ready for your erotic experiences. The atmosphere will be led by our sensual dancers with their theme-oriented erotic show. The dress code is clothing in mainly the color black, or you can wear a thematic Halloween costume. There are no limits to your fantasies. The most creative couple will be rewarded with a free entrance to our next event. The entrance is available for couples and solo women only. Party has a limited age of participants to 49 years.
We’re expecting a full club, so please make early reservations. DO NOT LET YOURSELF MISS THIS PARTY.
Reservations are valid until 11 p.m.
ADMISSION (CZK): Couple 1.900, – (premium SDC club members 1.700, -), Woman: 300, –
For more details see our club website:
We’re looking forwards to welcome you at our club.
Zveme vás na jedinečnou Young Halloween párty. Club se ponoří do tajemné a intimní atmosféry a je připraven pro vaše erotické zážitky. Atmosféru navodí smyslné tanečnice a tematické erotické vystoupení. Dress code je výhradně oblečení v černé barvě a můžete si vzít i tematické oblečení nebo kostým. Fantazii se meze nekladou a nejkreativnější pár odměníme volným vstupem na některou příští párty. Párty má omezený věk účastníků do 49 let.
Očekáváme plný club, tak prosíme o včasné rezervace. TUTO PÁRTY SI NENECHTE UJÍT.
VSTUPNÉ: Pár 1.900,- (pro prémiové členy SDC 1.700,-), Žena: 300,-
Rezervace jsou platné do 23h.
Více informací naleznete na našich webových stránkách:
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20 Recensioni
Why the people dont dance ?
We were surprise the couples and the girls dont dance to gether...
Great club
This is a great club one of the best we have been to, and we have been to a few arround. The club is sexy, clean, nice rooms and a great croud. We will return !
Great people
Hidden identity is allways something very exciting when everybody is hidden behind a mask. It wasn´t too crowded and a lot of nice people attended in the Fantasy club.
we simply love this club -)
every party here is great so was this one
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