Comunità di scambisti per coppie e single dalla mentalità aperta

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Scopri come dare correttamente il sesso orale con i nostri consigli e trucchi degli esperti. Pompini e Cunnilingus
SDC Lexi Sylver Mating Season Erotic Writing Stories
Erotic Stories and How to Write Them
Lexi Sylver talks about erotica in the modern era, how her new book Mating Season came to be, and even shares a sexy reading from the book.

Couple at a club party meeting other swingers
Swinging & Social Anxiety: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 40 (Part 1)
Bella and Jase talk about social anxiety when it comes to swinging, how they experienced it, and how they overcame it at a party they attended.

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

SDC We Gotta Thing Podcast Swingers Soft Full Swap
Soft Swap or Full? That... is the Question
Listen in to Mr. & Mrs. Jones' conversation about whether or not it's the right time for them to move from soft swap to full!

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Courtney Brame Prince HSV Polyamory NonMonogamy S
This is Not the End
Courtney and guest Prince talk about some of the stigma prevalence of HSV in the polyamorous community and how someone might use their status to manipulate partners.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Sexuality Orgasm Woman
Make Her Scream with Pleasure: Orgasms, Squirting, & More
What are the secrets to pleasing a woman sexually? Do you want to learn more about how to make a woman orgasm and squirt? If you want to know what makes a woman cum, you’re going to LOVE tonight’s podcast!

Two swinger couples at a party
Swinging & Social Anxiety (MFMF): 4OURPLAY Ep 41 (Part 2)
Bella and Jase from 4OURPLAY talk about after working through difficulties with social anxiety and how they turned their night around and had an amazing time at a toga house party!

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast HSV Diagnosis Shoshanna Raven Living Brave
Learn Your Capacity Then Work Backwards From There
Guest Shoshanna Raven shares her Living Brave empowerment coaching wisdom about finding power in that which shames us.

SDC Casual Swinger Podcast Mickey Gordon Mallory Alabaster Scrotum
The Great Alabaster Scrotum: A Lifestyle AMA
Mickey and Mallory's guest is so vanilla, so pale, so new, that they coined him the "Great Alabaster Scrotum," and it immediately stuck.

Happy couple lying in bed on their backs facing each other
Talking to Your Partner About Trying Something New
Jason and Stephanie discuss their experiences and challenges in exploring new sexual experiences as a couple, from using sex toys to going to a swingers club.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Female Empowerment Veronique
Sex Education, Confidence, and Empowerment
Every woman deserves to know about her body and experience shameless sexuality.

SDC Seek Discover Create Oral Sex Melanie Cristol Lorals Lexi Sylver Cunnilingus Anilingus
Oral Sex: Taboos, How-Tos and Pleasure
Lexi Sylver chats with Lorals-founder Melanie Cristol about making barrier protection accessible for most forms of oral sex, including cunnilingus, anilingus and anal rimming.

closeup of a tantric spa massage with two sets of hands massaging one person's back
Spa Day Shenanigans
We had a couple of days off and decided to spend it at the spa!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Cap dAgde Naturist Village Swinger Event Destination
Naked in Cap d'Agde with Lexi Sylver: Part 1
Want to know the BARE TRUTH about what Cap d'Agde is REALLY like?!

SDC Lexi Sylver Podcast Sex Education Swinging Downunder Cate Darrell Australia
Swinging Around the World
If you're a swinger who loves to travel, and/or you want to know what the swinger lifestyle is like in other countries around the world, get ready to be inspired with wanderlust!