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Moglie troia

Tua moglie vuole esplorare il sesso con altri uomini e vuoi sentirlo quando ha finito? Hotwifing potrebbe essere per te.
We Gotta Thing Podcast Swingers Lifestyle
Mrs. Jones on the Hot Seat
Mr. Jones interviews Mrs. Jones about the past year in the lifestyle.

Intimate Lesbian Couple Bed Sexual Fantasies Taboo Lexi Sylver SDC
Sexual Fantasies: Taboo, Popular, and Surprising Scenarios
Do you want to know what kinds of filthy things that people fantasize about?

SDC Sisters of Sexuality Taylor Sparks G00d Fellaz Ultimate Fantasy FulfillHERS
Meet Theg00dfellaz, the Ultimate Fantasy FulfillHERS
Ladies, did you know that there is a group of good-looking and educated respectful single Men of Color that host hotel takeovers specifically designed for couples and single females who enjoy them?

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Anal Butt Play Toys
Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

Happy couple using a laptop in bed
Sadie is a Hotwife
Sadie is a hotwife, and both she and her husband call in to talk all about it.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Hotwife Hotwifing Brenna Brian Front Porch Swingers
Hotwifing Tips and Tricks
Brenna and Brian from Front Porch Swingers talk with host Lexi Sylver about hotwifing and how couples can customize their dynamic to fit their needs.

Couple at a club party meeting other swingers
Swinging & Social Anxiety: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 40 (Part 1)
Bella and Jase talk about social anxiety when it comes to swinging, how they experienced it, and how they overcame it at a party they attended.

smiling woman in dress looking at camera near boyfriend in tuxedo shirt near bar
Jim on Cucks, Hotwives, and What They Look for in a Bull
Jim called in to talk all about cucks, hotwives, and what they look for in a bull.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Hotwifing Cuckold Front Porch Swingers
How to Be a Hotwife
So what exactly does it mean to be a hotwife? And how is it different from cuckolding?

forearm and fist holding blue measuring tape over a blue background
Does Size Matter?
Dr. Laurie discusses whether or not size matters — for both penises and vaginas.

blonde man hiding face in his hand in front of a couple mocking and pointing at him
Scott is a Cuck Who Lost His Hotwife to a Bull
Scott is a true cuck who lost his hotwife to a bull, and he called in to talk all about it.

Couple peeking over white bed pillows over a pink background
Embracing Your Sexuality While Everyone is Watching!
Hosts Jason and Stephanie Class introduce themselves, emphasizing the importance of embracing their awkwardness and being genuine in their content.

Lexi Sylver Ashley Manta Cannasexal Erotica Intimacy Pleasure Dirty Talk
Dirty Talk and Erotica on the Elevated Intimacy Podcast
Lexi Sylver and Ashley Manta dive deep into Lexi's history with erotica and dirty talk, including some personal experiences and how she first started exploring her Lexuality.

couple flirting at a dimly lit cocktail lounge
Sophia and Rod are in a Stag Vixen Relationship
Sophia and Rod are in a Stag Vixen relationship, and they both called in to talk all about it.