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Ti masturbi da solo o preferisci un'impostazione di gruppo?
closeup of the legs of a woman wearing seamed stockings and silver high heels
The Peggening! Sally Finally Buys New Stockings!
Sexy & Jagundo go DEEP, so to speak, about a HOT session of pegging!

closeup of a camera lens with purple and red backlighting
Sally & Mitch, That Crazy Camming Couple, Intros!
It's that naughty couple down the street, Sally & Mitch, talking about their crazy, sexy, wild camming lifestyle.

man's hand holding a small red sand timer over a black background
Is Being a "One Minute Man" a Problem?
Dr. Laurie tackles the problems of the "One Minute Man."

closeup of dark pink rose petals covered in water droplets
Personal Fav Lubricant Co Successfully Launched During COVID
Stephanie and Hannah launched their organic lubricant, Personal Fav, at the height of COVID and quickly became established as the 'personal favorite' to many.

black blue and pink male pleasure product over a red background
Everything Male Sex Toys
Dr. Laurie and Dr. Jess O'Reilly talk about male sex toys and technology.

Couple peeking over white bed pillows over a pink background
Embracing Your Sexuality While Everyone is Watching!
Hosts Jason and Stephanie Class introduce themselves, emphasizing the importance of embracing their awkwardness and being genuine in their content.

SDC Amina Peterson Fix Your Sex Podcast Sexual Therapy Tantra Atlanta Healing
The Girl Who Cried "Healing"
Healing is trending on social media. But are you a doer, or just a sayer? Are you ready for healing? Let Amina drop some reality on you so that you can stop licking your wounds and make real, lasting change.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Luna Matatas Pegging Threesomes Anal Sex Strap On
Strap-On Sex: Threesomes, Pegging, and More
Toys, anal, and unicorns, anyone? If you get all three — lucky you!

SDC Sex Positive Me Podcast Make Me Come Book Mickey Emma Jean Kapko Couple
Make Me Come!
Make Me Come! No, that’s not a request, but it is the title of the book we just read.

black man outdoors with a grey beard in a heather blue t shirt making a heart with his hands
Get Harder, Stay Harder: Dr. Elliot Justin from FIRMTECH
Dr. Elliot Justin called in to talk all about how to get harder, stay harder, and get your hard-on health data.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Anal Butt Play Toys
Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

Sacred Sex Spirituality Swinging NonMonogamy Sex Positive John Luna Angelique Luna Reverend Jamal SD
Reverend Jamal of The 2nd Coming Show
So, why was a Reverend at a swinger convention Naughty in N'Awlins? Listen in as John and Angelique Luna discussed their spiritual sexuality.

SDC Dr Megan Stubbs Sexologist Relationship Expert Body Image Specialist Kitty Chambliss
Dr. Megan Stubbs, Sexologist, Body Image Specialist, & More
Kitty's excited to share her latest podcast interview with Dr. Megan Stubbs, Author, Sexologist, Relationships Expert, and Body Image Specialist.

SDC Lexi Sylver Julieta Chiara Seek Discover Create Podcast Self Love Masturbation Sex
Self-Pleasure and Better Sex
Happy Masturbation May…. or Maysturbation, as we call it!