Il sesso regolare, il cosiddetto sesso "vaniglia" e il sesso convenzionale, sono modi di descrivere il comportamento sessuale che rientra nella normalità della nostra cultura.

Jana Got Divorced & Started Swinging, Hooking Up, and More
Jana got divorced and started swinging, having threesomes, hooking up with couples, and more, and she called in to talk all about it.

Healthy Non-Monogamy: How to Navigate Conflict
Every dynamic encounters conflict. Listen to this podcast to find out how to manage it when multiple partners are involved.

Dirty Talk and Erotica on the Elevated Intimacy Podcast
Lexi Sylver and Ashley Manta dive deep into Lexi's history with erotica and dirty talk, including some personal experiences and how she first started exploring her Lexuality.

Naked in Cap d'Agde with Lexi Sylver: Part 1
Want to know the BARE TRUTH about what Cap d'Agde is REALLY like?!

Friction Hotel Takeover
Dan and Lacy recap the weekend they had at the Friction hotel takeover in Durham, NC.

Learn Your Capacity Then Work Backwards From There
Guest Shoshanna Raven shares her Living Brave empowerment coaching wisdom about finding power in that which shames us.

Deep Voices, No Anal, Cages, & Custom Videos
Sexy & Jagundo talk about the allure of deep male voices, camming boundaries, and their festivities.

The Intricacies of Being a Therapist and a Sex Worker
Raquel Savage is a board-certified sex therapist and is also a sex worker who teaches other therapists how to serve sex workers in their practice.

Boot Scooting at the Tin Boxxx
The FwP crew shares some insights and interviews from the Tin Boxxx in Lubbock, Texas

The Everything to Do With Sex Show in Toronto
Lexi attended The Everything to Do With Sex Show in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and this podcast features her interviews from sex educators, exhibitors, and attendees.

10 Reasons to Be a Swinger
Mizzy and Spencer make some great points and fun commentary as they discuss ten reasons to be a swinger.

Swinging and Open Relationships for Newbies
Lexi Sylver discusses the importance of practicing a well-informed open lifestyle and shares her advice and resources to help newbies get started.

Do You Condition Your Hair... Down There?
Founders of conditionHer Eugenia Marshall & Wendy Rose Berry discuss why you should!