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Scopri come una buona salute fisica influisce su tutti gli aspetti della tua vita (sessuale) con i nostri video, articoli e podcast di esperti.
Perfecting Masturbation
Dr. Laurie discusses perfecting masturbation with Global Sexuality Speaker & Sex Columnist Niki Davis-Fainbloom.

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Nadiya Johanna Wortham Christine Frampus
The Size of the Relationship Determines the Size of the Grief
Something Positive for Positive People began as a suicide prevention resource. We honor the life of Nadiya Johanna Wortham this episode.

two couples having fun on a beach
Welcome to the Lifestyle
Join Jayson and discover the Lifestyle on their first episode!

SDC Something Positive for Positive People SPFPP Podcast BLM Black Lives Matter Humanism
Do Better AND Do Different — Inconvenience Yourself
When you ask, "what can I do?" that shouldn't even be a question a human has to ask about injustices done to other humans.

SDC Casual Swinger Podcast Mickey Gordon Jamaica Interviews Club VIP Catamaran Shellboy
Fung-King Awesome Interviews: A Casual Swinger Bonus Episode
In this interview-heavy episode, you'll learn more about Club VIP and why it's such an integral part of the travel experience in Jamaica, the hilarious and fun Catamaran cruises, and the heart and soul of Jamaica... the people!

Sexy curvy escort woman with red lips sex worker BBW adult performer
American Sex Podcast Episode 65: Kendra Lee Ryan, Escorting, BBW Porn
This week on American Sex Podcast, BBW adult performer Kendra Lee Ryan shares her experiences as a sex worker.

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Touch Somatic Wellness
Talkin’ ‘bout Touchin’
Lovin,’ Touchin,’ and Squeezin’… each other!

woman holding a pineapple with her legs at the surface of the water of a swimming pool
Confronting Fear in the Lifestyle
This week, Jason discusses the raw and often unspoken fears that many face within the lifestyle community.

SDC Takeover of Cap dAgde 2019
It’s a Wrap! See Inside Our SDC Takeover of Cap d’Agde 2019
From relaxing in the sun to extravagant, sexy parties and exploring kinks and pleasures, our Cap Takeover had it all!

SDC Dragonfly Pure Orgasmic Love Relationships Mental Health Holding Space
Holding Space with Hats On
Holding Space: being physically, mentally, and emotionally present for someone. It means putting your focus on someone to support them as they feel their feelings.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Workers Dirty Lola Francisco Ramirez
Redefining Sex in the Digital Age: Part 2
Guests Dirty Lola and Francisco Ramirez discuss how to maintain body-positivity, sex-positivity, and inclusivity in the highly critical world of social media.

asexuality pride flag over a double rainbow cloudy sky
Trans Man Elijah's had Threesomes & More & Now Feels Asexual?!
Elijah is a trans man who's had threesomes and moresomes and now considers himself asexual, and he called in to talk all about it.

SDC SPFPP Something Positive for Positive People Herpes HSV Sexual Health STD COVID 19
COVID-19 with HSV
Courtney invites Lindsey to the podcast, a New-York-based health care worker living with HSV who also happened to test positive for COVID-19.