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Scopri come una buona salute fisica influisce su tutti gli aspetti della tua vita (sessuale) con i nostri video, articoli e podcast di esperti.
SDC Sisters of Sexuality Podcast Sex Education Relationship Polyamory Advice Coach Squirting
Kenneth Play: The Sex Hacker You Didn't Know You Needed
Kenneth Play, renowned Sex Hacker and Sex Educator, shares his story about how he transitioned him from fitness professional to sex educator and how he became an expert in squirting.

Clothespins forming 69
American Sex Podcast The 69 Episode: Dirty Lola & Jim Marcus
Whether you find 69 overrated, the hottest thing ever, or something in between, you’re going to come away from this episode with a completely new perspective on this well-known sex act.

SDC Bella and Jase 4OURPLAY Podcast Swinging Jealousy Body Image Confidence
Jealousy, Body Image, and Confidence: 4OURPLAY Podcast Ep 28
Bella and Jase answer listener questions about jealousy, body image, and confidence in the swinging lifestyle.

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Anal Butt Play Toys
Butt Stuff: Pegging, Prostate Play, and Double Standards
Learn all the important basics of what you need to know about anal stimulation in this boot(y) camp episode.

Inquisitive couple in white shirts over a purple background
Daring Questions about the Lifestyle
Listen in on this inspired discussion of an article by Couple of Secrets about ten lifestyle questions.

SDC Amina Peterson Sexual Therapy Mental Health Coach Advice Boundaries Relationships Pleasure
Crockpots in the Bedroom & Boundaries
Amina shares one of her Pro-Hoe tips and discusses boundaries around our sex and relationships.

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast You Me and HSV
Passion in Action — You, Me and HSV
Guest You, Me and HSV shares their story and what inspired them to create an HSV information-sharing social media brand.

two chocolate brownies with caramel drizzle on a white plate on a wooden table
The Business of Natural Sexual Enhancement with King Heff
There can be many opportunities to enter into the 'business of sex' without it being sex work or porn, even though both are legitimate businesses supporting billion-dollar industries.

man wearing a grey shirt and blue jeans holding his hands over his groin
Life and Times of the Little Man Downstairs Part 2
Let's talk about the male members some more 'cause I have more notes to share.

SDC Something Positive for Positive People Podcast HSV Diagnosis Shoshanna Raven Living Brave
Learn Your Capacity Then Work Backwards From There
Guest Shoshanna Raven shares her Living Brave empowerment coaching wisdom about finding power in that which shames us.

American Sex Podcast Episode 61: Amy Jo Goddard - Empowerment; Healing in Trying Times
Sunny and Amy Jo discuss the impact of age that #MeToo has had on various members of society -- women, survivors, allies, non-binary folks, men, people of color, etc. -- and how our roles in it all intertwine.

rear view of a woman sitting on a bed looking out the window
Handling Mental Health and Sexual Trauma
In this episode, the FwP crew addresses the big green elephant in the room with Dr. Cari O'Neal.

Conscious Living Show: HPV and the Importance of Vaccines
In this episode of Conscious Living Show, Dr. Nancy Sutton and Dr. Mark Pierce tackle the super important issues surrounding HPV and vaccines associated with the virus.

man's hand holding a small red sand timer over a black background
Is Being a "One Minute Man" a Problem?
Dr. Laurie tackles the problems of the "One Minute Man."