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The Standard Hotel & Spa

star star star star star
1 Recensioni

Miami Beach, FL

Informazioni generali:

Located on Belle Isle, steps away from the action on South Beach, The Standard Spa, Miami Beach is less a "hotel," and more a spa with guest rooms. Set amidst peaceful tropical gardens, the breezy, soothing rooms feature private terraces, many with outdoor soaking tubs, as well as an indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy playground, complimentary to hotel guests. The Spa encourages the communal rituals of ancient bathing traditions and serves as a hub for sessions by some of the world’s top yogis and treatments by expert practitioners. The Lido Bayside Grill offers the perfect warm-weather, sun-kissed Japanese-inspired menu. There’s also a juice café, fitness center, clothing boutique, nail salon, and Danish modern bar and lounge.

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star star star star star

1 Recensioni


May 10 2020 10:22AM
star star star star star
Favorite hotel on the beach
Best hotel overall in Miami really

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Miami Beach, FL

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