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Grand Cayman Condo Vacation Property! Kissimmee

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1 Recensioni

Kissimmee, FL

Informazioni generali:

Newly renovated in 2022, EVERYTHING IS BRAND NEW!! Covid-19 FREE AND SANITIZED BEFORE EVERY STAY! this condo has everything you need to make the most of your stay! There is complimentary HBO Max, Netflix, Prime Video, Starz, and Disney+. Enjoy the best view on site of the sunset or sunrise from the patio, bedroom, or living room over Shingle Creek Lake. We’re conveniently located only 7 miles from Walt Disney World and Universal Studios. Also enjoy the on-site amenities! Enjoy both a 55in Smart TV in the living room area while you cuddle up for a movie night on the sofa as well as a 46in Smart TV in the bedroom. Both rooms have complimentary HBO Max, Netflix, Prime Video, Starz, and Disney+. Make sure you bring your favorite K-Cups...

Posizione esatta fornita dopo la prenotazione

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Cosa è incluso:


Amichevole per gli scambisti


Asciugamani e biancheria da letto

Internet senza fili

Cucina completamente attrezzata

Parcheggio Privato

TV via cavo


Ristorante/Bar nelle vicinanze

Supermercato nelle vicinanze

EROTICI   arrow_dropdown_wh

Amichevole per gli scambisti

SERVIZI STANDARD   arrow_dropdown_wh

Asciugamani e biancheria da letto

Internet senza fili

Cucina completamente attrezzata

Parcheggio Privato

TV via cavo

SERVIZI EXTRA   arrow_dropdown_wh

Ristorante/Bar nelle vicinanze

Supermercato nelle vicinanze

Posizione esatta fornita dopo la prenotazione

Contatta l'ospitante SDC BNB FAQs

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1 Recensioni


Dec 8 2024 12:53PM
star star_border star_border star_border star_border
Very UnProfessional
I Texted Inquiring About Properties and First They To Days After Afters Day And Gave Me Excuses For Replying Late Then They Tell Me You’re Not Going To Find Anything Else AND They Changed The Original Price They Gave Me Let’s Stop There I Have Screenshots of The Full Back and Forth Very UnProfes... Leggi di più .

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Kissimmee, FL

Lo stile di vita scambista e vivo e vegeto negli Stati Uniti, dove la ricerca della vita, della liberta e della felicita spinge coppie e single a vivere le loro fantasie piu perverse da una costa all'altra.