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La Domaine Esemar

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1 Recensioni

Albany, NY

Informazioni generali:

Welcome home to the world’s oldest, and many say finest, BDSM Training Chateau and Kinky Couples Getaway! We are the first Kinky B&B (Bed & Dungeon) in the USA, opening our doors in 1993. Over 700 couples have visited us since then and we are the number one rated BnB, covered by TV shows, documentaries, newspapers, and magazines in many countries. Our Bed & Dungeon: La Domaine Esemar specializes in Couples, their wants and needs. When you schedule an overnight, the dungeon is yours and yours alone, from check-in to check-out. You are welcome to take equipment up to the guest room or not at all. If you desire, we can close the entire house to other visitors, and we can limit staff presence to one or two of our slaves. You may di...

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Cosa è incluso:


Amichevole per gli scambisti

Amico dei Kink

Giocattoli disponibili

Mobili per il sesso



Asciugamani e biancheria da letto

Internet senza fili

Parcheggio Privato


Ristorante/Bar nelle vicinanze

Adatto alle Feste

EROTICI   arrow_dropdown_wh

Amichevole per gli scambisti

Amico dei Kink

Giocattoli disponibili

Mobili per il sesso

SERVIZI STANDARD   arrow_dropdown_wh


Asciugamani e biancheria da letto

Internet senza fili

Parcheggio Privato

SERVIZI EXTRA   arrow_dropdown_wh

Ristorante/Bar nelle vicinanze

Adatto alle Feste

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Contatta l'ospitante SDC BNB FAQs

star star star star star

1 Recensioni


Jan 26 2025 9:19AM
star star star star star
Wonderful Experience
We had the opportunity of visiting LADOMAINEESEMAR and walked away with perma-smiles. Our host Master R was extremely pleasant from the initial contact to our final goodbye. His demeanour and guidance was second to none. He is the connoisseur of the industry that is extremely passionate and well ver... Leggi di più .

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Albany, NY

Lo stile di vita scambista e vivo e vegeto negli Stati Uniti, dove la ricerca della vita, della liberta e della felicita spinge coppie e single a vivere le loro fantasie piu perverse da una costa all'altra.