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Erofest: The Biggest Erotic Fair in Central Europe Erofest: Největší erotický veletrh ve střední Evropě Erofest: 8. - 9. March 2024 Czech republic - Prague Erofest: 8 th and 9th March 2024 - CZ - Prague The international Erotic Fair Erofest will take place on 8th and 9th March 2024 in Prague (CZ) at the PVA Expo Letňany. This unique event will be not only about eroticism, but also about fashion trends and lifestyle. The fair is aimed at individuals as well as young and older couples who want to know the news from the world of eroticism. Plastic surgery, whirlpools, stimulants and consumables, tattoos, underwear and costumes will also be presented. The fair will also include evening afterparties full of accompanying program. You will be able to enjoy the latest erotic gadgets and gadgets. You can also look forward to fashion shows of branded lingerie, prize competitions, seduction school, queer zone, modern whirlpools, cocktail bars and snacks, lots of beautiful hostesses and muscular promoters and much more. EVENT VENUE: PVA EXPO PRAHA Beranových 667 199 00 Praha Subway station (line C): Letňany OPENING HOURS OF THE FAIR: Friday 13:00 - 21:00 (03:00) Saturday 11:00 - 21:00 (03:00)

Beranových 667, Praha, Czech-Republic

+420 720406406


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