The Spiritual Significance of Herpes

The Spiritual Significance of Herpes
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Look at this virus as a life form and ask it what it needs
Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Episode 116
Looking at herpes as the living virus it is, when you question its desires and its intentions in manifestation, you see that maybe there are some similarities between human desire and herpes desire. We cover the spiritual significance of the virus and reference an interesting article that covers the meaning, shadow side, and healing process of dealing with herpes on a spiritual level.

The Bedroom Game You Need to Try
Each new partner responds to different things in the bedroom. Find out what turns them on with this easy and erotic activity.

Less is More!
So many bodily aesthetic trends come and go and fast as an orgasm, and one of the best ways to prevent modification whiplash is to make the most of what you've got!

Dirty Talk and Erotica on the Elevated Intimacy Podcast
Lexi Sylver and Ashley Manta dive deep into Lexi's history with erotica and dirty talk, including some personal experiences and how she first started exploring her Lexuality.

Giving Out the Lessons of Our Losses
Courtney discusses with his guest public herpes disclosure and that it's okay to NOT want to do it.

The Odds Are in Your Favor
Disclosing one's herpes status generally receives one of three responses. Listen to this podcast to hear a real-life story from an HSV+ SPFPP listener and guest and some of her dating conversations about her disclosures.

Empowered or Intimidating?
The way someone perceives another's level of confidence depends on whether they are in alignment with our authenticity, as Courtney and his guest Brenda discuss in this episode about surviving HIV.

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