The Odds Are in Your Favor

The Odds Are in Your Favor
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Disclosing one's herpes status generally receives one of three responses. Listen to this podcast to hear a real-life story from an HSV+ SPFPP listener and guest and some of her dating conversations about her disclosures.
Something Positive for Positive People Podcast Episode 130
If you're on the fence about publicly disclosing your herpes status online, take a listen to this one. Our guest Laura shares her own experiences with not needing to for that sense of liberation people assume comes with it. It's often assumed there will be a sense of rejection by default. When we disclose, there are three potential responses; me too, no thanks, or tell me how we can be safe moving forward.

Lifestyle Interviews: Sexual Wellness with Dr. Sex Fairy
In this swinger podcast episode, Dan and Lacy interview Dr. Kanwal Bawa, an internet sensation and the host of the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast.

Talking Shameless Sex & Kink with Dr. Laurie Betito
Lexi, Dr. Laurie, and Catherine all talk about getting past feelings of shame so you can explore your Lexuality and Lexi's book, Mating Season!

Empowering Health Care Providers to Talk About Herpes
Removing the stigma around STDs can be challenging even in the places we need help the most.

Do Better AND Do Different — Inconvenience Yourself
When you ask, "what can I do?" that shouldn't even be a question a human has to ask about injustices done to other humans.

COVID-19 with HSV
Courtney invites Lindsey to the podcast, a New-York-based health care worker living with HSV who also happened to test positive for COVID-19.

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