Spring into Your Sex Life

If you live in Canada, you know that the harsh winter season can freeze our libidos. Snowstorms, layered clothing, and a lack of daylight can all contribute to us feeling less interested in sex. But eventually, Mother Nature warms up, and the seasons change; as the ground starts to thaw, so do our desires.
The phrase "spring fever" seems to evoke a free-spirited sense of warmth and excitement. For me, the beginning of the spring season is like a charge of new energy, and it seems to correlate with the increase of light in the sky. As the clocks "spring forward," our sex lives also seem to "spring ahead." But how exactly does the increase of daylight affect our libidos?
Sunlight is a Natural Aphrodisiac
To start, brighter skies and sunshine have an impact on hormone production; specifically, melatonin and testosterone. Melatonin is usually produced in the body at night and/or when the sun goes down, and darkness occurs. Melatonin can inhibit our libidos and is considered to be a natural fertility suppressant. According to a New York Times article, a study conducted by Dr. Alfred Lewy, a research psychiatrist, showed that exposure to bright light can shut down the production of melatonin in some people.
On the other hand, testosterone is a hormone that increases sexual desire, particularly in men. A study conducted by The Medical University of Graz found that exposure to sunlight created a surge in testosterone production, deeming “sunlight as a natural aphrodisiac.” Aly Dilks, a sexual health expert, says, “…in terms of the chemicals it stimulates, testosterone is the one most responsible for our sex drive, and studies show that the sun is a great factor in its production.”
Exposure to sunlight also helps manufacture vitamin D in the body, which correlates to the production of estrogen, a hormone found in women, which is responsible for sex drive and maintaining the health of the vagina wall. Psychiatrist Ashwini Nadkarni, M.D. notes that “Sunlight has been shown to have an association with serotonin, a key neurotransmitter in the ability to experience pleasure.” In short, exposure to more daylight results in a chemical reaction in our bodies that, in turn, affects our sex drive.
Aside from this natural phenomenon, there are other factors that contribute to us wanting to take it off and get it on, in both the spring and summer. The warmer weather leads us to shed our clothing, revealing more exposed skin. The fresh, outdoor air invigorates our spirits and boosts our confidence. We come out of winter hibernation, more eager to socialize and connect with one another. Certain seasonal foods that can help boost libido are more readily available to us. In short, as the days become brighter and longer, our sex drives become stronger!
Channel this Newfound Erotic Energy!
How can we channel all of this newfound, erotic energy? If your schedule permits, I suggest taking advantage of the natural daylight and planning some ‘afternoon delight’ with your lover(s). Add some spice to your sex life with a sensual, outdoor picnic or sneak away to a secluded park or beach area. Take an extended lunch break with your partner and enjoy a passionate quickie.
If your city has an on-premise, sex club, check their business hours to see if they are open during the day. Some clubs offer Sunday hours for afternoon delight. Others, like Oasis Aqualounge, located in Toronto, is open from 11 am–3 am seven days a week, and provides the perfect location for daytime play with plenty of sunlight and natural vitamin D. Cool your revving libido with a romp in the plush playrooms.
As the seasons start to change, get ready to shed those layers and rediscover passion and intimacy.
By Fatima Mechtab
Marketing Director. Event Producer. Business Partner.
Oasis Aqualounge