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Sex and Cannabis: Enhance Your Sex Life

SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Cannabis CannaSexual Ashley Manta
SDC Lexi Sylver Seek Discover Create Podcast Sex Education Cannabis CannaSexual Ashley Manta
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If you're curious about cannabis and want to know how you can use cannabis products to amp up your sex life, you should definitely listen to this discussion with THE CannaSexual, Ashley Manta!

Welcome back to my playground, Lexual people!

I can't believe May is almost over and we're on the cusp of Summer! Can you feel that? That's your sex drive kicking into high gear... it's Mating Season!!!

Which, by the way, is the title of my upcoming book/collection of short erotic stories! Oh yessssss, don't you worry. I'll be giving you all the juicy details very, very soon, you wonderful perverts.

In the meantime... let's talk about my steamy new podcast that you NEED to listen to — whether you're already incorporating cannabis into your sex life or not!

Since I started my podcasting journey (so, since October 2018), I have been receiving an inordinate amount of questions from all of you when it comes to how to use cannabis to spice up your sex life.

Since I'm not an expert in all things cannabis, I enlisted the help of THE expert — THE CannaSexual® Ashley Manta, professional sex educator and coach!

Incidentally, she was also named America's High Priestess of Pleasure by Sexual Health Magazine... and does she EVER live up to that designation!

So if you're curious about cannabis and want to know how you can use cannabis products to amp up your sex life, you should definitely tune in and listen to my discussion with Ashley!

We'll talk about:

  • How cannabis can be effective at enhancing your sexual experiences
  • Responsible ways to mix cannabis with sex
  • How to attain new heights of ecstasy by using cannabis products for smoking, vaping, ingesting, or as a lubricant during sex and masturbation
  • How cannabis can be used to alleviate anxiety and some kinds of sexual pain (such as endometriosis, vaginismus, and vulvodynia)
  • How cannabis can potentially make orgasms more readily accessible and help with difficulties in sexual arousal
  • The importance of establishing consent and communicating with your partner about using cannabis before and during sex.
  • The best and safest ways to start your experimentation with using CBD and THC products for sexual use.

Even if you decide not to try using cannabis for sexual purposes, and just for recreational use, Ashley talks about the chemistry behind the flower, the best ways to use it in order to achieve the effects you're looking for, dosage information and much more!

Listen to our steamy chat in the player above.

Stay Lexual!

Jan 31, 2022
@StirItUp17 Thank you! Looking forward to connecting with you both to help you improve your communication skills and enhance your relationship. :)
Jan 28, 2022
We see value in your couples LS counseling. We are going to book some counseling time to get better at the way we communicate.
Dec 22, 2021
Hey Joe! Ooh, it sucks to hear that you didn't have a great experience. Cannabis is not for everyone. Like anything else, it's important to try new things in baby steps. As we mention in this podcast, it's crucial to understand more about cannabis dosages, delivery systems (e.g. vaping vs. edibles vs. oils vs. smoke), different strains, and your own thresholds for it. Every body is different, and everybody can react differently to the same substances, and even react differently with the same substance at different times / scenarios. Plus, mixing cannabis (or any drugs) with alcohol is NOT recommended! Alcohol by itself can affect our senses and sexual experiences, and combined with other substances... you're talking about a recipe for a bad time. Be well, Joe, be safe, and Stay Lexual in your explorations!
Nov 05, 2021
Cannabis make made sex worst me and really messed me up when mixed with alcohol